
Yes. My employer has a wellness program that we are required to partake in (or you pay more on health insurance). It isn’t too bad—basically get a indicator of key health metric twice a year rather than at an annual physical. I wonder how long it is before there are penalties for smoking, for being overweight, or for

Oh shit, you cracked the code. They don’t mean less government, they mean literally governing the smallest places.

And... in case anyone is confused about why we will ultimately need single-payer health care in this country, here it is! Employers, who currently hold the gatekeeper’s position for health insurance for folks under 65, WILL DISCRIMINATE against the potentially less-well as soon as they have the opportunity. The

Oh sure, NOW the republicans believe in science

We must all refuse. It’s that simple, people. We must refuse to take the tests and refuse to pay the fines. And it has to be all of us. We must all refuse.

This asshole just sent out the first big salvo necessary for ethnic cleansing and eugenics: Congressperson from Iowa, y’all.

Maybe it isn’t meant to embody female empowerment at all.

Right? Ever since I heard about this I thought what? Why not an Amazon? Or Hera to the Bull Zeus. Or I dunno literally anything that is not completely infantilising.

This kind of bullshit in-fighting is precisely why the conservatives — who, despite all their faults, are ace at holding their noses in the interest of presenting a solid front to their opponents and attaining their goals— manage to get so much fuckery done while the liberals argue about everything under the sun.

Looking nice is for women. Men can look however they want as long as they can afford to buy nice-looking women as property. Read the constitution sometime, geez.

Donald Trump isn’t a billionaire and he doesn’t have a ton of cash. Only Duestche Bank will loan him money because he’s helping them launder it for the Russian mob. His properties are all probably being used as fronts. One in Soho already got busted for that exact reason. If he had a ton of liquidity, American banks

The fawning over this speech by the pundits is just vomit inducing. Van Jones just declared Trump’s shout out to the Yemen raid soldier’s widow one of the greatest moments in presidential speech history, and his ticket to being a two term president. I think his exact words were “He became president of the United

And yeah she would never walk up to a black person and say those things one-on-one because she’d be chicken, but she sure as hell does it when she is with a gang of like minded people. When she is protected by idiots in confederate flag pickup trucks she can let her true nature come out.

yes. thank you. “I would never” - BUT YOU DID. “That’s not me” - YES IT IS. “That’s not him” - AGAIN, YES. “I accept responsibility for what I did, but” - NOPE ON OUT OF HERE WITH THAT BUT, YOU BUTT.

It’s so normalized that the victim here (Alford) isn’t even complaining about the Confederate flags themselves. That poor woman— nobody should have to get used to such a thing, to the point where you publicly claim to be OK with it.

No one likes to look ugly, and I believe even the most blinded-by-hatred people sometimes catch a glimpse of who they are, maybe from the disgust in the eyes of good people, and recoil from it. And then after that moment of clarity they usually double down, but...

“No no no, it is loss of respect for the Police” - Jeff Sessions

How about that non-apology? I’m sorry that happened to you? GFY with that. You could have done something. You could have stood up against the people bullying others at a child’s birthday but you didn’t.

“I’m so sorry that happened to you” as if it were a fucking act of god. I’m so glad these people are going to jail.

From another article on CNN: