W101, MH, a year of plus, another one controller, and a year of live
Yo there's a pretty dope trivia game out there
lol. ;)
No you don't really know that
Seriously though
Let me tell you about sarcasm
It's not all that often a game journalist turns out to be wrong IMO
And you're here commenting
So dumb
Didn't confuse it, it was a typo (acknowledged it immediately) and anyone that thinks that's the determining factor really thinks highly of themselves for having such low standards
I'm not with that guy, we showed up in separate cars
Yikes, oh well, clearly hit a nerve here. Didn't want to be friends anyways. But yeah calling someone ugly because of their obsession with a video game is so absolute that it's driven them to madness and threatening to kill someone is about equal. Good work.
It's amazing. Imagine how ugly these kids must be
I got off a 14 hour shift gotta be in work in 3 hours for another 14, got no sleep because of how amazing the comments have been and I can't stop reading them My life is empty
real hot take right here
It's weird how dumb this comment is.
Not bad for a wii-u game