Sony and Microsoft are still having games put out for their Gen 7 consoles, and Nintendo can't even be bothered to keep their online infrastructure up and running. Someone please remind me again: why Nintendo's loyal fans ardently insist that "Nintendo is the only one who cares about their customers"?

Considering the guy is apparently famous enough to have one of those "put your face in here and pretend to be his girlfriend then take a picture" attractions at a local restaurant, is it really that surprising he was able to pull so much ass?

"For the record, I am no snooper. It's just not my style. I was only curious, just wondering what he'd been up to. I have nothing to hide and assumed he didn't either."

This guy can get 6 different women to sleep with him? Are we sure he's not the one doing the ethering?

I'm pretty sure this dude hits the games pretty hard. He's probably play WoW or LoL or whatever it is you nerds play hahaha

DISCLAIMER: You may not agree with what I have to say here. What you read may piss you off. I'm fine with that. In fact, I'm so fine with it that I've decided that I won't even challenge what you reply back with. Why? I'm done arguing about this with people. I've heard your views and the reasoning you use to support

"qq I'm pretending that I'm not one of those people complaining that this has no place on a blog but I'm going to complain anyway and just word it nicer"

I for one do. Publicizing that it's a good thing for women to stand up for themselves, and that they don't have to be passive and accept all the sexual harassment that is thrown at them, is a good thing. It helps women who see it, empower them to also stand up for themselves.

I'm not a fan of these sort of super fast hack n' slash games like DMC and Bayonetta. The action is happening so fast at times, that you can't really tell what's going on. It's also repetition. I prefer exploration games. Where I can take in the scenery and appreciate the world, throw in some puzzles and action. Tomb

How are we moving further and further towards censorship? By what I've seen, US media has increasingly been moving farther away from censorship. Extreme violence is more common, profanity is increasingly more allowed, and even sexual situations are popping up on media more and more. Compare the popular shows on the

Review Roundup

Just curious. You literally get kids who either explicitly or implicitly say they're going to be famous?

I really love the 3D and always play games on Max, but unfortunately, I don't see it being a part of their next portable. Sorry, bud. I know how hard that is to read, but the way some morons feel about the 3D being a "gimmick", ruining it for the rest of us, Nintendo will move past it to something else.

thats pretty much how i feel everytime i fire up my 3DS... "man fire emblem would look so much better on the high res OLED screen"... "man if only the eshop was even half as easy to navigate and use as the ps store, i might actually buy some digital games on my 3ds"

SCEA is insulted by the insinuation that they would promote the vita.

Once people get to a certain stage in life, they start to appreciate the little amount of time they have, so gaming anywhere becomes an important thing.

Actually the rumors are linked. When Weeden learned they were bringing in a younger QB in Manning to the organization, he knew it was time for him to leave.

Successful at one thing:

Now playing

I'm going to leave this here, partly for all the geniuses that say "hurr my game is fine it must be you!"