People are lame as fuck
People are lame as fuck
It'll get a ps4 release, bohemian has spoken on the subject. It'll probably be when it's all good and finished. PC master race will essentially be beta testers again like they were with Diablo and the MMOMS Flapdicks 2047.
Console double master race signing off
If she didn't want these things said to her maybe she should have thought about being born a man instead
I put more time than any other game into this one and id have a hard time not putting it in my top ten but that doesn't mean I want to put it on there.
Yo hit me up when can tell me the difference between Internet and water/electricity
Riighht. Because more time with a game by good developers will somehow be a bad thing because of those three instances where time/more work needed wasn't the reason for a delay but in this case probably is considering the circumstances.
uughhhh the comments on this article are the worst
1997 would like to point out your comeback is outdated and the years 0-2014 would like to point out how embarrassingly defensive it is.
lol, fuck maxis(ea), peace
lol, fuck maxis(ea), peace
Always? Always?
This fucking guy right here
I feel like I need to tell you. Your comment is super lame. No one reads it and goes "woah a straight razor, never thought of that and also wow this guy must be a total badass" like you imagine in your head
Half these games aren't even real games mr tortilla
Wow now only if pc gamers weren't insufferable losers! #consolegamingmasterrace
That's their loss. It could have sold upwards of 2,000 copies on the wii-u IMO
He's just as guilty IMO. And also, what if Nintendo went third party? The wii-u was a total disaster IMO
yo wtf
I think we can all agree to keep ours region locked. It's what Nintendo wants, so it's probably the best thing for us fans. The last thing we need are those foreign European ds carts soiling our USA America (#1, IMO) 3ds devices.