solid effort here

Watch the fuck out bro. I don't know who employs these people but people have "anything negative" and Nintendo as a google alert so if you make the mistake of saying ANYTHING, people lose their shit

Yup. I'm already paying a belt tightening 4 something a month and I get a ton of free shit. Wheres my more free shit, Sony? You already have my 4 something. I only ate 6 MCchickens today because of you.

Yup. I'm already paying a belt tightening 4 something a month and I get a ton of free shit. Wheres my more free shit, Sony? You already have my 4 something. I only ate 6 MCchickens today because of you.

This is one if the best collections of delusional commenters I've read in awhile

This is one if the best collections of delusional commenters I've read in awhile

This is one if the best collections of delusional commenters I've read in awhile

The comments on this article... lol

I'm surprised by all the creeps in here

I'm surprised by all the creeps in here

I'm surprised by all the creeps in here


I already regret buying physical copies of most of the launch games and wish deals would be applied to the full retail games that are available digitally. I have no intentions of ever selling my games and the convenience of just having it on my console is worth it. As I'm typing this out I'm really questioning why I

I download large games and it's NBD

you fanboys r crazy yo

you fanboys r crazy yo

They've been doing this for way too long to be this fucking bad at it.

This. Commenters here give themselves too much credit while I'm STUCK reading their garbage and responding to it. Tim Rogers seems like a neat guy who might like a few garbage phone games (maybe no s) cause it makes him the most popular guy in the boys locker room. Kordell Stewart didn't die for our right to freed

Yeah that was pretty uncool.

This is crazy dumb, btw