Tell me not, fellow super rad dudes, this guy sounds like a complete fucking loser.

haha what a dumb way to rationalize the decision. Cutting the cord is a great money-saving decision, but other than using other options, pretty much every great television show sans the good wife and a few comedies are on cable.

The problem isn't the care levels, it's the levels of announcements. They could have had Jamie Kennedy host and his monologue could be the typical hipster move of pooping in your hand and squishing it even though it's not even cool anymore but if they were showing off Fallout 4, Zelda Wii-U and The Last Guardian

If it says anything, I know a 13 y/o and an 8 y/o who are avid pewdipie fans who also happen to be the worst people in the world. Also I'm scaling them by their age. Also the 8 y/o isn't so bad but Christ the 13 y/o is the worst. Are you listening, 13y/o? Yeah it's me... **** you!

Ps4 naughty dog... I feel bad for about 95% of the other developers

No wii-u version?

I don't care if there isn't really an upgrade, I just want every game coming out for the retro-consoles (360,ps3... Can you believe we actually played games on these things?!?) to be released for the current gen systems just for convenience.


Anytime anyone mentions titanfall a billion of you guys show up. Whatever you gotta tell yourselves to make not having a console to play this on feel better. It's cool guys.

Joe danger... Not really my thing... But this... This...

Dis my shit. Hopefully this doesn't run like complete fucking garbage like the wolf among us runs on the ps3. Woulda appreciated a heads up on that.

It sucks that they are forcing us :/

Man I thought this was March-May. Brb finding nearest bridge

Mainly because as their events get larger, the more money they take in, the less they want to spend. Grimey.

I'm really starting to fucking hate penny arcade.

Even though I've done much less for 5 dollars (I still find bits and pieces in my hair) I just don't find this even the slightest bit worth it. Im actually disappointed in amazon and this is coming from a guy who once an entire without having to stop.

dirty talk my kind of style tell me I'm worthless

I'm going to run into you

I'll do more than paint you, btw. Are you interested in a game of blitz ball?

Because money/resources :/