Ffx changed the game for me. Blitz ball is a game I pretend to play with my friends but they are always like "why are we in the shower and why must we be nude". Ugh they just don't get it

This is good snark. Witty almost. The exact opposite of the other one. I almost liked this one but I'm a man of principle.

COVER UP! #chemtrails

You wanted to be entertained? Pfft.. how about we obsessively cover something every other channel including our other channels will be covering obsessively. THE HEISMAN IMPLICATIONS! ferrel hating in the comment section commence now!

This comment sucks, these types of comments suck. So if you feel the need to give it a like just remember in the future when I drop a comment that blows your mind and the only way you can repay what I've done for your special parts is a like, don't bother, I hate everything about you.

It's only worthy of worst of the year if you only watch comic books movies. But it seems like on just about any comment section or forum... The people who participate in these things only watch comic book movies. Last year it was "best movie of the year? Def avengers. Worst movie? Amazing spiderman. Most

I'm more worried about you being born yesterday and advancing so fast that you have the ability to post comments on the Internet. That toll can not be good on vital organs

I typed out a long response about how I've been a fan of his since flash forward him and gosling even though he was only in two episodes. How I was so stoked when the Disney channel would be free for a weekend and I'd get to watch it, but I was like "fuck I was a weird kid, probably should keep that to myself". So

Rapture-palooza, the internship, the getaway, the numbers station, the last stand are all up there for me. There's still a bunch of garbage I need to see.

Lmao, god I hate this comment so much.

so dumb

Weird to use six feet under as Ben fosters credit.


Because some of us who are early adopters of the new consoles are prepared to move on.

This. It might be hard to understand why it's a great feature but once you have a wii-u, multiple consoles, and multiple people... It's a game changer

I don't feel comfortable unless a retail game somehow has a significant impact on my income. Why spend 60 dollars when I could be spending 600?

I need to reiterate my feelings of how impressive it is that the second biggest publisher is so fucking bad at what they do. Can't do anything but applaud at their staggering incompetence.

Your mom sounds pretty hot

I almost would prefer it to be a windows 8.1 exclusive... If somehow it could only be controlled using the original kinect...

If you have to ask there's a strong chance you have never been cool.