I’m pretty proud of Los Angeles for treating these obvious money grabs for what they are.
I’m pretty proud of Los Angeles for treating these obvious money grabs for what they are.
Pro tip for any aspiring racing drivers:If you have to go to ‘dump the clutch’ while in your suit, unzip and tuck your sleeves into your pant legs from the inside. That way they don’t drag on the bathroom/port-a-potty floor.
Not to mention, Ferrari makes an insane amount of money on each car they sell. It probably costs them around $50-65 thousand in materials to make each 488 GTB, and they sell a ton of them for $300 thousand+. Not to mention the R&D costs for those cars have got to be pretty minimal since it’s essentially a 458 with an…
Yeah obviously anyone who is being unsafe is an asshole. That sucks you went through that.
Yeah some stanced cars are going to be a little unsafe. I’d say the vast majority of them are far safer than a good number of the neglected cars on US roads at any given moment.
Am I the only Jalop who enjoys seeing stanced cars?
That’s probably true.
But yeah, people forget about how little this era of car sold.
I remember everyone making fun of the wing, too.
Holy crap! Look at at that!
Alonso is likely only interested in a seat where he can fight for a championship. That means pretty much Mercedes or bust. But I think Ferrari might just raise one of Fred’s fuzzy eyebrows if they picked up the phone.
This is incorrect.
I mean... Alonso hasn’t signed any contracts yet, has he?
Is anyone else sick of the Sky Sports announcing yet?
People forget this. The S2000 and original NSX were also disappointments sales-wise.
As a relatively casual football fan, I love these looks at the strategy involved with playmaking. Announcers tend to focus on the who and the what, and I never get to see much of the how. But this is fascinating to me.
You’re looking to form an emotional bond, like to go into the wilderness, need a back seat. Someone else said Jeep Wrangler, and I think that might be your smartest choice. But the best choice?
If you have a choice between new and used and it’s close, buy new. It will show manufacturers we still buy new cars.
I also live in So. Cal and have daily driven a two seat convertible here for something like seven years. It’s fine! Do it!
Hot take: It’s no uglier than the F40.