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    Perfect Dark has a dual stick configuration as well.

    No, you clearly haven't.

    I'm the last thing from a graphics whore and personally believe many if not most last-gen games on the GCN and Xbox exceed current-gen ones in technical capability, let alone artistic merit.

    "? I'm not saying games are bad now,"

    He empirically rebutted each and every one of your fallacious or hypocritical points, and that's what you have to say?

    There was nothing "logical" about your post. Just a reiteration of fallacious shit-flinging propaganda you picked up from 4chan or Reddit because you're relatively new to gaming and don't know better, or just a willfully ignorant fanboy yourself.

    No you're just a gullible fickle fool.

    HD rendering has nothing to do with the topic.

    Does this mean we'll get the old commenting system back? The one that works and isn't degrading to the users? Because I was, and am, under the impression Kinja was a social experiment being sponsored by them to see how much bullshit someone would put up with before they quit something or abandoned all self-integrity

    Metroid Prime games are not first-person shooters. The fact you think they are, nearly a decade after the release of the original, and still goading the masses into following that lead to illustrate your point is disgusting and speaks to your ineptitude as a gamer misunderstanding their features, priorities, and

    The best games are the ones that have no pretentious underpinnings about what they are or are not supposed to be. Nonlinearity and choice are only a fraction of what makes a good game.

    I mean change as in the broad relation to time. NES are not at the same level of Sega Genesis/SNES games, nor those at the level of PS1/N64, etc. Video games evolve with technology more than any other medium. Nobody makes games for obsolete consoles after they end. It'd be an unsustainable business commitment. But

    Why is that? As an avid fan of Zelda 1, your original argument wasn't convincing. Video games are an interactive, subjective, and constantly changing medium. The value of an intellectual property shouldn't depreciate just because "it came out X amount of time ago." Where's the scale for that?


    Half-life 2 didn't look very good when it came out at all. Valve has patched it heavily since then and doesn't WANT you to remember what the original looked like. And the PS2 was a piece of crap in terms of hardware when it came out. Arguably the weakest console in respect to date after the PS1 were it not for its

    The stability of the system both client-side and also network-side is always a concern (we've already dealt with the inconveniences of the latter multiple times without streaming), but more importantly it sounds like an extension of everything that went wrong with this gen and more by incentivizing DLC/locked content,

    B-but it took HDTV's all of 50+ years to reach the adoption rate they have now! That's not exactly an analogy brimming with confidence...

    First Microsoft incidentally reveals their interest in Cloud Gaming through a leaked manifesto detailing their intents to purchase/implement OnLive. And now, not two weeks later, Sony's playing monkey on the other side of the pond.

    First two comments to make me lol since the introduction of this abysmal system.

    "I find it hard to believe that I'm alone?"