I like the middle finger buttons on the back of FPSPro. Very interesting, even if... in vain? Is it just meant as an alternate for start/select or two buttons already on the controller?
I like the middle finger buttons on the back of FPSPro. Very interesting, even if... in vain? Is it just meant as an alternate for start/select or two buttons already on the controller?
The fact that Reggie and the other Nintendo exec at the developer's conference have both pointed out its the Wii Sports of the Wii U, I'm highly inclined to assume that Nintendo Land is going to be a pack-in title for the West. However, Nintendo's playing it safe and not divulging this yet, because (as was also…
This won't last even a month before Nintendo sees they are way in over their heads and simply resort to categorizing the service into family/non-family friendly environment or age demographic, or better yet, and more simply, a password protected key.
"There was more soul, more caring, more effort, more logic,
Maybe you should take a clue from C.S. Lewis and learn what growing up actually means.
Familiar... but perhaps not nearly in the way being insinuated.
I agree, and am saddened by this too. Except for your your reasoning. I think it's more of a case of "warming up" to the audience from the Xbox 360/PS3 if you will. To make the transition to the Wii U as seamless and second nature as possible. Additionally it might be a conflict of function between that octagon design…
I'm confused. Despite your erroneous implication, your first sentence insinuates you are speaking for yourself. While your next contradictorily seeks to impose this upon the rest of us by using the contraction "let's."
It worked for No More Heroes on the PS3 and that game was terrible and released after a sequel no less. Capcom also credits the unpredicted support of RE4 on the Wii for saving them an entire fiscal quarter, and that was released early in the Wii's life cycle.
On the other hand, the Wii U is an unprecedented console both commercially and in technical capacities.
I let my wisdom teeth grow in, and it didn't affect their natural straight alignment in the slightest like my dentists had suggested. But alas, we have wisdom teeth because back in days of old there was no oral hygiene and people would often lose their teeth to natural infection or wear. By the time the wisdom teeth…
I didn't attack you. I just questioned your logic. And just like you said, the ergonomics of the NES controller has nothing to do with anything as I was merely bringing up its effectiveness as an input device. Which in part due to its flat shape and even distribution of mass makes it more efficient than other…
How? It's essentially an even more ergonomic GCN controller (which is already the best game controller for 3D gaming ever imo minus, the D-Pad), with the four main face buttons now reversed with the analog stick, grips from behind, and four shoulder buttons like the Classic Controller Pro instead of three, and a…
Hmm, maybe this startling discovery could be used as the foundation to a new branch of occult scientific study.
"I wouldn't really want to be black because there's a mentality that seems really prevalent in black culture—this frustrating mentality of victimization."