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    I see Kotaku doesn't like it either.


    Wow, you must not be very immersed in the game if it bothers you that much. I played through the entire beginning and restarted the game a second time and found it so unintrusive as to forget to bother trying to turn it off both times.

    Nintendo has been left for dead once a year since their inception in 1889.

    I'm pretty sure that's just what it looks like in HD.

    Yeah, like the guy above me said. The motion controls work better when you swing the sword realistically, or like a brush. If you're swinging it around like a fly swatter you'll never understand the gameplay and your score in the bamboo-cutting game probably sucks hard.

    Play the game.

    Are you mad? Do you know how minuscule that game-breaking bug is? If you fail to do even one of those 5 steps the way its listed the glitch doesn't happen.

    I thought you were originally referring to the way he is able to ski over lava as Frost Mario.

    No way I'm sending my copy back. It has commemorative value as it is, and now it has some more for keeping with the tradition from Twilight Princess.

    Alternatively, do whatever you want. Simply don't backtrack to the Goron miner until the quest is all over.

    Ashcraft, I think you should put a note telling people who haven't finished the game to refrain from following your source back to Zelda Informer.

    One bug in two games.

    Oh wow. That video was just.... indescribable.

    Both games are different breeds of Mario Kart, just like Skyward Sword and Ocarina of Time are two different breeds of Zelda.

    Depends on the game. Some games look good with it on, while others aren't enhanced at all and may even look worse.

    By the time the "novelty" wears off, the game has given you access to the Ballad of Gales that allows you to warp to all of the major regions of the game and from which you should then be able to get to most places in a very fast amount of time. I can't imagine a better way to design the game than giving you the

    Actually the reason those games are so acclaimed is because they were that good. If you thought the N64 wasn't "that great" it's because you never looked for any good games outside of those reputable big names. Something in common I've noticed between many who share your opinion.

    I haven't liked this guy since hearing that he disliked the sailing in Wind Waker, to the point that he completely reworked and shortened BG&E so much that his team was demoralized that the finished product didn't resemble the original game.

    Lol, that kid playing Ganon is going to grow up twisted.