Zelda is awesome. They really pulled her off, and this soon no less.
Zelda is awesome. They really pulled her off, and this soon no less.
Still playing Skyward Sword.
I've done that a few times and he always wins unless I have a fairy. I don't even want to think about taking on the OoT3D version of him like that. He's a raging beast.
Wow, when you put it that way it does make a lot of sense... On the other hand, I also think it was more or less a case of natural progression. Like there's no other way they could have really evolved the combat from Zelda games more effectively.
Ah, my eyes...
This is essentially everything I wanted to say, but you managed to put it to words. I wish I could super promote this comment.
Maybe he'll join Nintendo now and make the Zelda game he's consciously always wanted to make. Pretty sure he once said Ico and SotC were his takes of Zelda, and that the colossus in the latter were his team's view on inverted dungeons.
Tunnel vision much?
What the guy below me said.
Those are just regular 3DSs and its more if a publicity stunt to get people in the doors and say "you were too late, but why don't you buy something else?" than an actual deal that's worth the effort to seek. They'll probably run out of them throughout the entire chain in all of 5 minutes. You think the employee…
What iota of evidence is there to suggest he isn't right though? PC gamers would just pirate the heck out of the game. A new IP... a poor economy... a market more likely to pirate your product than buy it... a title with a niche appeal that would be most attractive to those very people who regularly pirate games...
You must not know jack about Mario Kart considering how different Double Dash was. I doubt you could find a more ambitious and original game in any other racing series.
I could have sworn I've heard Miyamoto say something very similar to this in an interview before.
From a gamer's perspective yeah. Super Mario 64 was mindblowing in every way back when it came out. And in hindsight even seems miraculous that something like Mario could translate so well to 3D.
Literally everything you just said was a fallacy you jackass of a troll.
Something is definitely wrong with you if you think 30 fps is "disappointing."
No one here is angry but you. I simply called you out for kicking old dirt that you were using to make your opinion seem relevant, one of my peeves. You fired back with your own ad hominems while bringing up commentator stars and whatnot as if that's what this site is about.