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    The best has been saved for last.

    Should have put a spoiler tag.

    You get turned into a rabbit when you first enter the Dark World in ALttP, and then again after you defeat Agahnim if you skipped the Moon's Pearl.

    Don't forget Wal-mart is selling the Skyward Sword bundle pack for $59.99 on Black Friday.

    Nintendo don't have to pretend. Skyward Sword proves they ARE above it.

    Protip: When you make multiple biased assumptions one after another about a game you haven't played no right-minded person is going to take you seriously.

    MK Wii may or may not have had as high development costs as ACII, but it was an incredibly polished game especially considering how big it was. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the team working on it was larger than ACII's. But moreover, it achieved a high level of quality and content without the need for DLC. As far

    The advent of DLC is the worst thing to happen to this industry. Thanks to it, our standards of games have been lessened. In order for next-gen to truly be a step up in the sense that everybody expected before the types of games that are reliant on things like DLC, patches, or mods in order to be good need to die.

    Suffice it to say this thread might drag on for hours if I wanted to say my part.

    What, Melee too you say?!

    N64 is probably my favorite game console (which I think is hated even more than it), but the Gamecube is the best.

    But aside from COD all of those do innovate... It's ok, bro you don't have to play devil's advocate when someone's as stupid as Shagittarious.

    I disagree with everything you said, except that short bit about TP.

    That sucks bro. But at least you've got a classier and cleaner-looking box!

    When Nintendo says Limited Ed. they mean it.

    When you set the system on a table, do you set it with the hinges facing you?

    Upscaled PS2 games on BC PS3's look better than playing them with wonky emulation on PC, unless you have a really good (see more expensive than the value of doing this) PC and you still have to deal with other issues like framerate and music. And some of the PS3 HD remakes blow PC emu out of the water.

    You show them a console game that you have to pay more just to play like this to back your argument that PC is better? Nice logic.

    Yeah, they only made the game jackass.

    They may not be game breaking, but they are immersion breaking. And when that's what this game is trying to sell itself on, then its a pretty significant flaw. In fact, it's one of the reasons I've never been able to get into Bethesda games and have decided to wait for the GOTY edition of this one.