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    I haven't played the game, but yes, the Tanooki suit stone power was confirmed in an earlier trailer.

    It's a Mario game. There is no such thing as a spoiler for it.

    You cannot begin to fathom the predicament I am in between buying this and preordering Mario Kart 7 and buying that special Zelda 3DS on Black Friday in case they run out (which remembering the Zelda DS, is likely).

    You don't get Zelda if you don't understand why traditional voice-acting wouldn't work for the experience its portraying.

    "Ok, we've done absolutely everything you've demanded and retracted our attack on your company... now please... (*begins sobbing*)

    Your initial comment made generalizations as if speaking for more than yourself. And then went on to say "don't feel guilty about it" as if that was someone's reserve over playing games over long hours or how they felt about splurging their money on games.

    I can see that working for games like Mario as those are practically designed to play in short spurs.

    It's the opposite for me. There is a slight level where you seemingly get the sharpness of 2D with a slight 3D effect by just moving the slider a tad, but eventually you realize it's not as good as playing either way.

    Projecting much? Who said it even had anything to do with that?

    With the pending release of Skyward Sword, my love of Ocarina of Time has become reinvigorated.

    "You do realize that only the first Gut Check, that from the person who is actually doing the review, is the one that is the only counted?"

    Gut Checks are more like "what combination of yes's and no's for X series will troll the most fans for hits" checks. Either play the games yourselves or don't have your answers included. I couldn't care less if you think a game is/isn't worth playing if you haven't even touched it yet. Your opinion doesn't hold more


    That's because it hasn't released yet...

    Thanks bro.

    1. Some games rely on the calendar so having it updated is essential.

    I'm pretty sure the Wii takes a while to update the calendar and such when you haven't played the system in a while.

    Meh, I'll wait for the GOTY Edition.

    No it isn't. The air/ground attack types are just the most basic of many elemental and status factors that come up in battle both independently and in combination. But I'm guessing you just looked it up on Wikipedia really quick and assumed that's all there was to it. There are also more factors to higher damage

    You've never played a Paper Mario game.