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    The game has 3 different options for the GUI, including shutting it off completely.

    Considering what you're normally doing in a Zelda game when you have your sword out and the new dowsing mechanic of the game I'd say it isn't that bad. The first game to attempt 1:1 controls on this scope wasn't going to have better animations than this.

    I've noticed this guy likes to talk about himself a lot.

    I agree with the commenters before me, this is the best piece that I've seen on Kotaku.

    Maybe that's what they're gambling on. That Mario will sell out and people looking for it will get stuck buying Sonic (because if he used to be his rival that means his games are just as good amirite?) and Shinobi.

    Your link doesn't take you to the manga box set though...

    Mike you are realizing her name is Gabrielle not Gabriella.

    The 3DS' battery life isn't as nearly bad as people make it out to be.

    Nintendo is like a yo-yo.

    Yeah, this is the first thing I thought as well.

    This year, I thought, okay, Kirby Wii sidescrollers = high quality. Wrong again.

    Vegas. It's definitely Vegas.

    It might be a really smart move on both Nintendo and Rockstar's part to time the release of the game alongside the Wii U's launch. I imagine that if it's coming to that platform, making it a launch title would be the best way to maximize the most profit on the Wii U market and perpetuate the presence of the game into

    But will the franchise ever be big enough to top the wealth of Batman himself.

    It's from the sequel to Another Castle.

    Never forget.

    I wouldn't say either game is the best this gen has to offer. In fact personally I'd say they are both far from it. But according to you because journalists in the industry agree they are via their culminated reviews, then they must be regardless of alternate opinions. I took Brian's comment as less him flaunting

    GTA4 got similar acclaim. In fact it holds a higher average than Uncharted 2 does and also outsold it four times over.

    "is the follow-up to inarguable the best game released in 2009."