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    I never said you didn't pay attention to Wind Waker, merely that there are further reasons to back the likelihood of their appearance as the pearls that you only see if you pay attention. If you took that any other way it must be because you're insecure about it, as there is no other proper way to word that in

    "Wow this game looks terrible'': I'm not talking artstyle or anything like that, just mainly the graphics themselves. Now I am aware the Legend of Zelda is not exactly known for it's graphical prowess, but this would look decent 5 years ago.


    You don't know whether they're pearls/orbs or not.

    I think any system that can stream the entirety of Darksiders 2 unto a control screen after 5 minutes worth of coding is "next-gen" enough.

    Sony's had the most critical and offensive PR of any video game company since Sega in the 90's. This is nothing. The context is so basic and nonchalant that the way you're over-blowing and shoving it back as some insult comes off as more offensive than it does.

    Never owned a Gameboy of any kind or DS?

    Milk Duds and World's Finest are the only snacks I eat. Really.

    Yes, those specific symbols were actually in Oracle of Ages. But it wasn't until Wind Waker that they were really pearls/orbs. Then again, who knows what their significance will be in Skyward Sword.

    Considering the fact that there's an Earth Temple in Wind Waker which is one of the domains that powers the Master Sword, and this game is based on the Master Sword's CREATION, along with the fact the cover for Skyward Sword prominently features three other symbols also found in Wind Waker; I would say the naming for

    I just want online Picto Chat with multitasking so you can send messages (IN 3D) to friends while in the middle of a game.

    I did play some Double Dash in college where we enjoyed the crazy co-op racing, but apparently nobody else liked that game?

    Randomized items are fine. The only thing is that item blocks should be limited to one-time use ala Super Mario Kart so there is some tactic to it.

    Only $80?! That's a steal.

    Just don't ever let Miyamoto enter that bathroom and we're good.

    You would be surprised.


    What exclusives does it have?