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    Why do these low budget DC/Marvel superhero movies always pique my interest so much even though I already know deep down they will be crap and haven't a snowball's chance in hell of living up to the Batman animated series movies and Return of the Joker? And this looks to be by far the most generic of them all.

    Interesting. I haven't seen a black and white division like this over a game since The Wind Waker.

    Didn't we already argue about this once?

    Storywise this game seems like its building up to be the inverse of everything Zelda, so believe it or not, him being right-handed actually fits.

    Are you an idiot? They do still have inverted options in their games. And do you even know what the slide pad is? It's just an analog without the protruding nub. If anything the addition of gyro controls would have been the to remove inverted options. Not that they HAVE to begin with, as you'd know if you played a 3DS

    Maybe, but what's better?

    Flipping Link would mean that enemy weaknesses are now exposed since they would remain whatever handedness they were before. And all of Link's animations would have to be entirely remade for his new left-hand swordsmanship, not just for when he swings but how he's holding the sword as well, and how enemies like

    I hope it comes to the Wii U. A Spider-man game where you can instantaneously shoot your web in a specific direction through the touch screen would be awesome.

    Great idea. Metroid Prime Trilogy, Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, Skyward Sword, etc. Pretty much everything. I don't think it's inconceivable to assume that Gamecube and Wii games will be released as downloads next gen. There's a special harddrive patent for it by Nintendo after all.

    Can't forget this game on November 13.

    My life is complete.

    I thought it was funny. But maybe would work better the other way around.

    "Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time... That is up to you."

    Fair enough. Though for some reason I doubt you're that big on Zelda, considering you actually think Twilight Princess is a Wii game ported to the Gamecube unlike the reality that is vice versa.

    No, you're just pulling that "graphics are low quality "out of your ass. You're not some special unique snowflake who is able to "see through" the artstyle whereas your perceived "fanboy" opponents can't. If anything do you even understand the artsyle? The loose model design and shading is clearly intentional to a

    Are you blind by chance? Because no, it doesn't look the same. And I've played them all.

    To be honest you sound like a troll flaunting around fallacies and acting like some oppressed internet crusader when you get questioned for defending a troll. Twilight Princess was a Gamecube game, and if you think it and SSBB looked better than this you need to get your eyes checked. Neither of those come close to

    It's a reference to the ending of Wind Waker where the king seemingly appears out of nowhere and stops Ganondorf from touching the Triforce. I like to think there was a little more to it than that (like maybe his cloak is actually the Magic Cape from ALttP), but it happens so randomly you can't help but be surprised

    He was trolling. Nobody starts a question with "Does no one else" or "Am I the only one who" before finishing the sentence with a clause that has negative connotations, unless they're trolling. Especially when it's a complaint that has been filed for the game by Nintendo haters and trolls since it was first unveiled.