lol @ implying there's a topic. Is calling someone "Jack" even an insult??
Ugh. You're dreadfully dull now. Have a great "life," bud. I say that sarcastically, half-hearted, and incredibly untruthfully. I'm done with you.
lol @ implying there's a topic. Is calling someone "Jack" even an insult??
Ugh. You're dreadfully dull now. Have a great "life," bud. I say that sarcastically, half-hearted, and incredibly untruthfully. I'm done with you.
That Voldemort gif is, and this is no hyperbole, the funniest gif I have ever seen.
You're trying so hard to insult me that it's become hysterical and sad.
The only reason I keep replying is out of pure morbid curiosity to see what thing you could possibly say to make yourself look worse.
And it just keeps getting better (for me).
Are you really so proud of yourself that you have to keep going with…
I'm confident the irony is beyond you.
If I may push the topic; were your posts supposed to be some kind of deterrent? Because really, this is only affecting you.
Unless you count confusion and empathetic embarrassment.
That's become apparent to me. Thanks for confirming, though. Aaaah, the loonies of the internet!
While I am decidedly against the idea that either dogs or cats are, as a whole or on a broad scale, smarter than the other...
This made me laugh far, far too hard not to "Recommend."
At first I was like, "Those are horrible DLC options."
Then you said "Pokemon."
... Calm the fuck down, Satan.
That's an unnecessary insult.
Perhaps it's your delivery that failed?
Yeah. Still not sure what you're trying to accomplish here. Ya lost me, man.
If this is a reference to something, I'm not pickin' up what you're puttin' down.
That really is a superficial thing to whine about, though.
Wow. I remember when this was new over five years ago.
Bit slow to the catch, 'ey?
Good god, dude. You are hopelessly contrary; do you even know why you keep responding? Are you just stuck on autopilot, arguing for the sake of argument? Is this the only rush you get??
Fuck. This is just ridiculous.
Was that last jab really necessary? I mean, if you need the last word that badly you're more than welcome to take it. But you don't need to be a jerk about it.
We've explained our stances very well. If you don't understand my point of view, you're at fault here.
No. Not at all. I honestly can't think of a good example for this confusion, but you're comparing apples-to-orange right now.
At this point, though I'm kind of over this conversation. You know my point, I know yours; let's agree to whatever-isn't-continuing-this-circular-conversation and go our separates ways, yeah?
Oh no, I understand.
It seems there's a lot "at fault" here.
But they're irrelevant to the point of the game above. He specifically states it has nothing to do with time. <<;
Full circle. D:
Up hill, both ways.
I didn't write the article.
If I wanted to play Devil's Advocate, I could just as easily spin the blame though; probably should have watched the video first.