Adebisi's hat

Who is even thinking about Bernie or Warren as a nominee at this point? I’m well aware that he’s going to be the nominee, and it’s strange that literally any observation of Biden being less-than-perfect turns into someone in the comments accusing me or Jezebel at large of being deluded about the reality we find

“I do not discount Christine Blasey Ford’s story, but the timing is interesting. Brett Kavanaugh has been in the public eye for decades. Now that he’s about to be a Supreme Court Judge, this is coming out. Hmmm”

Charging for content that's already available on streaming services seems tone def given +20 million Americans are recently out of work

Do you think Jezebel pointing out Biden’s many legitimate flaws is what is going to cause him to lose?

Agreed. And maybe I missed it but I don’t remember her, crying or being sad or even saying she glad that her dead husband at least brought her love of exotic animals in her life. ( I know they didn’t have the best marriage )she talked about her missing dead husband like he was an acquaintance or co worker.

I’m sorry, maybe I’m not reading the statement correctly and I don’t get that this is sarcasm, but this is just not true. Circumstantial evidence is still evidence.

Just an absolutely amazing job of coalition building here.

You Americans are going to completely fuck up this election, aren’t you?

This is why I’m passing on TikTok (this and the fact it’s probably Chinese spyware). I feel no need to show off to anyone and if I did, I would squash that impulse pretty quick.

This is a lot of words to say “You wrote a thing I thought was dumb.”

I mean, I think it deserves some snark because like a week ago he was trying to find out if there was any technology that would let him address people from home and this week he’s starting a podcast.

I’m sorry to hear about your experiences, and hope you are able to stay safe and healthy.

Yep let's have 2 rapists running for office. I love to believe women only when it's convenient to me!

Charming. :) To answer your question, it’s probably because Biden can’t seem to string together full sentences that actually make sense... in public. Or without arguing. So I believe his starting a speech-intensive activity of any kind is cause for yuuuuuge snark!

Bernie wants more debates because your buddy Hiden is consistently showing himself to be mentally unfit to run this country, and you should care about that. Bernie can also destroy him on the topics while keeping his temper - something Hiden isn’t too good at. Can’t wait for the first person that’s horrible enough to


Wage earners are supposed to have 9 months of pay in reserve for emergencies, but corporations are so mismanaged that they are about to go bankrupt after two weeks of reduced profits.

Cool. Then he can ask if everyone else is willing to be hospitalized for the economy. 8o% of deaths may have been 65+, but the people hospitalized and in ICU’s are pretty evenly spread amongst age groups — apparently everybody’s been sharing that pain.

Love that political party that makes a huge show of being “pro life” while encouraging the undesirables to die.

There is “abuse” from every candidate’s supporters. The media chooses to focus on Bernie because he is a threat to the pearl clutching liberals. Biden will lose if he doesn’t appeal to Sanders’ base. That is just a fact, especially in the context of coronavirus. There will be an entire class of unemployed people who

No clue, but it’s crazy. My Costco continues to be sold out now for two weeks straight and it’s pretty much the same story at Target/Walmart. You’d think it was a diarrhea epidemic.