Adebisi's hat

Hamas counts on that and ensures the death tolls will be high by intentionally placing strategic targets near or in schools, hospitals, residential blocks, etc on purpose, using the civilian population as human shields, and the inevitable bloodsheds that follow when Israel retaliates as propaganda. They place war

What exactly is the point you think you’re making here?

In the meantime, if all of those pesky, brown Palestinians are killed or forced off of the land that Israel illegally covets, that’s just fine?

Exactly this. 

I didn’t think the terrible thing’s Hamas did would immediately be overshadowed by the terrible things Israel is doing to “defend” itself from Hamas.

The worse part is jackoffs everywhere are championing either side like it is a fucking football rivalry, and nobody can have an adult discussion about this without

And globally, absolutely 0 f###s are given. If someone shows a scintilla of sympathy for the Palestinians, they get labeled ANTISEMITIC! Hamas are supposed to be the bad guys. Carpet bombing apartment blocks full of innocent people used to be considered a war crime. I guess this gets overlooked because there MIGHT be

Correct. Jonah Hill and the others did the same thing.

I don’t sexually or racially harass my friends, but maybe that’s just me.

“Don’t be shitty to people” should be a baseline, but you should at least be able to manage “don’t be shitty to the person you specifically hired to make you look good in a movie.”

People are horrified whenever they ask me “who do you admire” and I reply “no one”.

Glad the veil has been lifted. Maybe now Jez can stop trying to shove her down all of our throats like one of those vagina bananas...

1. Forcing yourself on someone: This is never ok, period. With that said, context is key. The first time I kissed my wife, it was after dinner and we were at a bar. I initiated the kiss, and she was receptive. Now lets say she wasn’t receptive, that could be seen as forcing myself on her. From what this actress said,

Well here comes the bullet in the form of my notifications about to be a trash fire. But here we go. If you are a young boy trying to find your place in the world, trying to figure out what it means to be a man, you aren’t exactly rife with good role models for it. No one tells you how to do it right, what being a

Blame RBG, literally refused to retire even after getting diagnosed with cancer

Right, people act like its as common knowledge as Stevie Wonder being blind.  How did everyone know Jada has alopecia?  Who is paying that close of attention to her?  I hadn't seen her and I thought the GI Jane was a reference to her being ripped!

I think it’s just what happens when you’re a couple of self-important humorless scientologists who take themselves way too seriously and think the entire world is fascinated with the minutia of their lives. People are goign to make jokes. Plus, turns out Rock didn’t even write the joke, the Oscars ceremony writing

The Smiths were seated front and center, the same spot they’ve put people like DiCaprio, Hanks, Roberts, Bullock, Clooney and Nicholson-superstars who are pros, who they know they can count on for a good reaction shot, who will be engaged throughout the show and who they know can take it on the chin if someone makes a

But really, the jibe comparing a haircut to a 25 year old film is what causes him to assault someone.

He didn’t ‘go after her’, he made a corny joke about her that Will thought was funny enough until her saw his wife’s reaction *then* decided to be a ‘hero’. Thank god The Root and Black twitter are having none of Will’s BS but Jezebel is too afraid to call him out.

He’s a comedian. And Will thought it was funny (he laughed at the joke) until he probably saw that his wife wasn’t laughing. You’re saying physical assault is okay if you don’t like what someone says. This is absolutely ridiculous. You just wanted a “hot take” in writing as soon as possible.