Adebisi's hat

My BFF is 5'4" and has trouble dating because of his height. He’s also an amazing human being, so women have no idea what they’re missing out on.

People, including Nicole Kidman, definitely commented on the height difference. 

Oh come on. No it isn’t. Short men are definitely more penalized than tall women. 5'10" isn’t THAAAAAAAAAAAAAT tall for a woman. And men are definitely more ok with being in a relationship with a taller woman than women are.

5'10" is basically 3'2" in man height.

I’m a man and I’m definitely on the shorter side - around 5'6 or 5'7. I appreciate someone writing in support of us short kings, but I also feel the need to say that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with someone having a physical preference that includes height. I’ve definitely had a bit of a harder time dating

I usually date shorter guys because so many other women reject awesome shorter guys based on how much their body grew, not on their personality which is absolutely mind blowing to me. Who the fuck cares how tall a person is?! Thanks for a good article. Gender roles need to die in a fire (maybe the same fire your

Toxic masculinity is perpetuated by both sexes.

I think it is disingenous to lay this all on the feet of men. In fact, I would venture to say that women are significantly more likely to perpetuate the mandate that the man has to be taller.

Tomei is in her 50s.

Aunt May, like Spider-man, is different depending on the universe. She has gotten consistently younger in each movie universe with Tomei being 57 to Sally Field’s 68.

“and Superman’s origins in war-time propaganda,”

Superman’s origins (pre-1940) have him being attacked by the National Guard while he does things like raze slums, forcing the government to build better housing for poor people.

It’s not about being good, but being influential. And Musk’s companies did some pretty good stuff this year:

He’s a white South African, the white nationalism is at least implied if not explicit.

There’s something I really, really dislike about Jada- I’ve never been able to nail it down to anything factual. Just a feeling. I’ve never liked her. 

The other sign is displaying your infidelity publicly and having your spouse, who is clearly in distress, on the other side of the table while you do this. Jada isn’t a good person and totally has some dirt on Will that he doesn’t want unveiled. (I know, I am buying this snake-oil...)

I agree 50/50 is not reasonable in every situation. But I think the one who is the main carer for the children does have a hard job. I’ve been on both sides. With the first 2 kids I had to work long hours with an hour at least too and from work. With the youngest 3 I have been the main childcarer and I think it’s more

They believe Israel is the key to the end-times. Christian Zionism.

Another opinion would be mid-life crisis possibly due to all the death around you. My wife and I both work in the medical field. She did not take any days off until a month ago when she went to a bachelorette party in Cabo for our mutual friend who is the one getting married. Shortly after she comes back she tells me

I appreciate the kids going back to school (digital learning was definitely not quality time for us) but I never get sick of hanging out with my husband. He works from home so I can go bug him whenever I want.

I am truly sad that COVID has had a negative impact on so many marriages and relationships. Marriages aren’t for everyone and relationships aren’t for everyone, and that is completely valid. But I just hate the strain this is putting on families and partners.