Adebisi's hat

Only one of those statements was concerning law.

Even while I was hesitating clicking on the article in the first, I still ended up being utterly baffled by the really twisted logic here. And before anything else, I still have not seen a definite or, to be honest, even indicative research on what is the benefit, if any, of transathletes have in their sports,

He ran a pure policy based campaign

Cousins breeding in Alabama is what gave rise to Florida Man.

Come to Bernie’s bosom my sweet yanggang. We will take care of you.

If you’re looking for clear thinking on Bernie Sanders, the comments section of Jezebel is not the place at the current moment. This is Russia/China state media level shit and 90% of the country is just buying it.

The way that CNN and their correspondents or talking heads or whatever the fuck you call them have responded to this story has really helped turn me full conspiracy theorist. Like the woman on CNN earlier, who talked about Benjamin Dixon (the guy who brought this audio to Twitter’s attention) by basically saying “he’s

1: John McCain wasn’t Donald Trump.

I understand why she apologized but it makes me sad as hell that she felt like she had to. This is just ridiculous. Why does Clinton get to say whatever and Tlaib can't? Naw. 

Love to feign outrage and tone police an unapologetically outspoken left-leaning woman of color because she dared express anything other than humble reverence toward the living avatar of imperialist white feminism.

You must feel super threatened if you felt the need to immediately list your credentials here. My god, please reflect on that a minute.

How is it gendered? I tell men and women both to shut the fuck up if they're not helping. 

But the dirty campaigning and "never the other Democrat" was fine when her campaign did it.

Nobody will give a shit about this in two weeks. This is just a way to get performative Twitter dorks to yell at each other.

Would it kill her to accept an ounce of blame for running a piss-poor campaign and condemning us all to 4-8 years of Trump? Fuck her and the corporate funded jet she flew in on. She’s was and is part of the problem and the best thing she can do to be part of the solution is to go get lost in the woods again.

“wait...are we the baddies?”

I have my issues with Sanders’s being an independent throughout his career instead of just being a Democrat. But your post is basically nonsense.

I don’t necessarily disagree with everything she says about the 2016 stuff, but her campaign in 2008 wasn’t sweetness and light. Also, discounting Bernie’s present-day supporters is myopic.

The question was what would he tell his black son to do in the case he was pulled over. This article pretends it’s his general response to racial injustice in America. I challenge someone here to answer this question in a meaningfully better way, considering that it is you giving advice to your black son.