Adebisi's hat

But AOC wasn’t crediting Bernie for CHIP.

AOC got into politics in the first place because of Sanders and I think she sees him as a guiding light/mentor type. Also, for a lot of self-identified democratic socialists, the fact that Sanders identifies as one and freely uses that term (even if his actual platform is more left-liberal or social democrat in a lot

I believe the idea behind AOC mentioning she has to use CHIP as a child is that if we had a proper health care system that wasn’t for profit and everyone had access to get the care they need CHIP wouldn’t be needed. CHIP does a good thing but it shouldn’t be needed because access to health care should be a basic human

But AOC wasn’t crediting Bernie with CHIP. She was crediting Bernie for advocating for single-payer at a time when CHIP was the only thing that assured that she had insurance.

Neera Tandeen of the Center for American Progress took particular issue with a moment during Ocasio-Cortez’s endorsement speech in which she said, “When I was a child that relied on CHIP so that I could see a doctor, Bernie Sanders fought for a single-payer healthcare system.”

Having never been touched like that by a woman before, it was all he could do to prematurely eject her.

A brown diamond is about half a step away from being a charcoal briquette.

1. Taylor just wanted her masters, Scooter (that name, my God) bought the whole company. Unless Taylor had tried to buy the company for $300 million, you cannot assume that Borchetta picked his offer because he was a man.

I think that Swift was able to sign a new deal that gives her ownership of her product is fair, as she has proven her market value, but I don’t think it’s unfair that new artists don’t typically own their masters. As long as they rely on labels to make heavy initial outlays in marketing and distribution the deal isn’t

This still leads to my dream scenario where Durant comes back to save the Warriors and they lose with their full roster. 

You mean when LeBron dragged Matthew Dellavedova and a couple of janitors from the Q to 6 games?

I (cis-man) support abortion rights. I vote for candidates that are pro-choice. This “they have no real skin in the game” just ain’t true. I’m currently raising several kids. Whether or not my wife has access to abortion rights should she somehow gets pregnant again DEFINITELY affects me. To the tune of several

If you can’t see any difference between Lamar Odom using a giant rubber black cock to excrete someone else’s piss so that his marijuana habit goes undetected, and a state-sponsored-and-operated effort to both provide athletes with performance-enhancing drugs and avoid positive tests, I don’t know how to help you.

So all this time my wife has been trying to pass a drug test?

This was not the standard five years ago, or even two years ago. It should have been, but it wasn’t. Same with the Crime Bill. Shit was different then than it is now. Who can say what behaviors or policies will be acceptable or not in another five years? Or 10? Or 20?

And for me those brothers keep funk alive and they always respected and loved black music and its artists. They just did dates with George Clinton like last week. 

RHCP are selling out stadiums in Australia, so no Chicken cook off.

RHCP headlines big music festivals in the US, so I don’t think they have fallen off. I saw them headline Coachella in 2013, ACL in 2017.

There last album was produced by Danger Mouse and is pretty dope.

I am black and grew up listening to rap mostly (I am 43) and discovered RHCP in 2000. I almost now listen exclusively to rock now and and still a huge fan of the Chili Peppers. They aren’t going anywhere, they have a lot of young fans and still can tour the world and sell out arenas.