Adebisi's hat

So much this, especially when the people apologize. It’s all about intent and how you deal with the backlash. When I was a kid in the ‘80s, I remember lots of white kids and adults dressing up like famous black idols, like Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Mr. T, Mike Tyson (yikes,) etc., and some did wear blackface. A

In game design, we have long ago learned that it is far better to encourage good behavior than it is to discourage bad behavior. Warcraft implemented a system that punished people for playing too many hours per day and players flipped the fuck out. It was chaos. But then, they instead gave a bonus to players who

The purity olympics in America need too fucking stop. I am a left leaning, liberal woman of color. This shit needs to stop. This is why people end up becoming the Trump supporters we see in ever-growing millions these days. Nothing is enough. They all apologized. Fred Armisen was playing Barack Obama, not making fun

At what point, though, is it ok to simply shrug our shoulders and say, “told ya so”...?

Apparently for them, very difficult. They apparently can’t reject his misogynistic and anti-gay remarks either.

Apparently,  it is difficult for them. Maybe they are anti-Semitic  after all.

Rant: why do so many black people, especially women, go out of their way to excuse R. Kelly?

A big reason no one looks into sexual assaults of black women is because it might reflect badly on black men, and we can’t have that. Up in Canada we have the same issue; the government spent millions looking into the causes of murdered indigenous women, but no one likes the answers (indigenous men) so it just stays

I think this is a biased article. As a society we don’t want to hear from women who have been sexually abused, harassed, or raped. We make them feel ashamed, at fault, and hound them if thier attacker is “popular” in some way.

This is so sad and so true. It is also heartbreaking to hear people defend Rob by referring to these victims as “bed wenches.” And this is from members of the black community.

Yeah, I clicked on this article wondering if she had a history of antisemitism and NOPE—just disagrees with a country’s objectively shitty policies. This conflation of any and all critiques of the Israeli government with antisemitism needs to die.

They cant bring themselves to admit that the evil gamers were right. 

i agree completely.

Yeah, I know a ton of men who get embarrassed very quickly around dating. Like, even moreso than the author of this piece seems to be by herself. Not sure if this is a case of “well nobody internalizes things as deeply as me” (which I think is a fairly common and normal way to think) or if these men just don’t get

Not a dude, but the sweeping generalizations in this piece astound me.

When it comes to getting sex or attention or a date, men have no threshold for embarrassment.

Spacey then unzipped the accuser’s pants and rubbed his penis, both in and out of his pants, for about three minutes, he told police

Assault and rape accusations are serious, but the others? The women making such accusations, years later and on acts that could have so easily been handle like adults, don’t see how they make all women look like they are weak and in constant need of protection and safe spaces. Asking someone to go to a hotel room is

whats Priveledge? Is that a new word the incels are using?

I gotta say, these accusations seem flimsy at best. The assault one seems odd, and sure, investigate it. But with the other two, it sounds like all parties involved are telling the truth. It’s just that accidentally putting your hand in a weird place for a photo is... Well, it can happen pretty easily. And a casual