Adebisi's hat

Sex work =/= sexual exploitation.  Please learn the difference.

writes about sex worker by featuring white, well-paid, women.

Perfect. Well done.

Kirk will ALWAYS be my #1 captain. Always.

If all you’re seeing is skin color you are in the wrong starfleet.

Why the fuck do Americans care about the relative heights of romantic partners? I honestly don’t get it.

Somehow that tiny dog makes him look smaller.

you made an anonymous account to defend this short girl twice

these giant height gap relationships are creepy. i suppose while everyone has their own private turn ons, the nature of their relationship is very public and it’s not hard to figure out what the basis is.

What’s up with all the comments saying it’s annoying/rude/selfish for a short woman to be with such a tall because there are tall women who are entitled to him? Gross.

I know. I hate when people I don’t know and never will know do not do things based on a timeline that I have in my head for when and why they should do things.

Wouldn’t that just mean more sex for Republican women?

It’s not even a legal document. It’s literally a contextless document with no veracity whatsoever.

Yep. And they’ve been choosing the white patriarchy over progress.

What I’ve learned over the past few years is that white women are the real swing voters in this country.

This is not at all defending the age difference (which is fucking gross), especially with the power differential present with someone so famous/rich/connected, but the age of consent is not 18 everywhere and in Canada, for example, is 16. Doesn’t make it right or not disgusting, but may make it not illegal, depending

YUP. They’re literally praying to him now.

There’s nothing exploitative or predatory about paying a consenting sex worker for sex. You’re the one objectifying them by assuming they have no agency in choosing their profession.

I personally know a preacherpimp who was dating a woman in his congregation and got her 20yo daughter pregnant. He ended up marrying the mother and said the baby was a “blessing from Gawd” due to the mother being unable to conceive.