Adebisi's hat

Gunn addressed the jokes a while ago though, apologized, deleted the jokes, and didn’t make more.

Yup, you got everything correctly. He had a terrible sense of humor, he changed, he improved, and he got canned anyway. 

I’ve often wondered what could derail the Marvel machine, and this could be it. Gunn’s tweets are in bad taste, and they aren’t even funny, but it’s pretty clear that they’re jokes. There are probably a lot of creators out there who’ve said things that are just as inflammatory who are now wondering whether or not

I’m usually all for kicking out someone who is being shitty and such, but am I understanding correctly that this was years ago and he has properly apologized multiple times and hasn’t done any of that since apologizing? What’s the point of kicking him off the movie then? What is supposed to be achieved by that?


Yup. And they’re dumb and offensive jokes. Definitely something he shouldn’t have said, but there’s not one right-winger who attacked him that doesn’t believe far worse things than Gunn joked about.

Yep, I’ve seen worse jokes on a Comedy Central roast.

God dammit, and he’s shown himself to have become a better dude over the years too. Fuck this shit.

Well, with all due respect, you really fucked this story up, James. No mention of the alt-right monster who dredged these up as supposed “proof” of a nefarious pedophile conspiracy theory in Hollywood? How this is an ideologically-motivated hit job orchestrated by someone who operates entirely in the realm of

Hazel, you’re an amazing writer. I can’t believe you’re so damn (kinda ;) young. Keep doing what you do.

Not everyone comes from moneys. Some people are born into poor families.

Seriously that’s cool as shit. But, explain this to me! *Steve Harvey Voice* “If we came from moneys, why we still have monkeys”!

Yeah, show me a Russian who’s vegetarian enough to qualify for Airbending.  And yet...

Or the USATF Outdoor Championships this weekend.

Never underestimate the power of horniness.

I did as well. There is a market for *everything* in porn. She isn’t a special snowflake.

Ha ha ha to the “sartorial tastes” comment. Do people worry about “sartorial tastes” in a medium where no one wears clothes?

“How big could the market be for pasty young women with wacky sartorial tastes and wiry limbs?”

This is what happens when you approach news from an ideological standpoint instead of allowing evidence to lead the way. It was interesting that in this particular case we had a clash between, essentially, believing a woman who felt threatened by a man and everything that means, and believing she made have racist

Now? ‘Pac went after a guy’s sickle cell on Hit ‘Em Up, 20 years ago now.