Adebisi's hat

No, he wasn’t.

> I’m just saying I understand why he did it.

Read my posts dimwit. I clearly and plainly said in every post, this cop MURDERED this kid for no reason at all.

You’ve just proven my point without having the intelligence to know it. If he was mentally incapable as you suggest, then he should never have been out doing those things unsupervised in the first place; you can’t have it both ways.

I was raised properly; I was told, if you take your bike or pedal car on the road, you will get killed.

lol relax ... she wasn’t making art with that comment, I was talking strictly about the comment not her use of snake imagery. I’m also not in favour of either side I was just pointing out she wanted to be excluded from the narrative but now she wants to use it in her speeches at her concerts- you legitimately can’t

Vigor, I couldn’t care less about who niggas sleep with, date or have kids with... fucking black women doesn’t mean you like black women but ok.

What’s the dumbest advice people have heard from their parents?

My dad avoids the subject and my mom told me that I had to be top of my classes to get the girls (I’m Chinese, hurr hurr). Honestly, they did not paint a great romantic picture. Literally, my mom said they dated because they were both top 2 in their class

True, but society also teaches Black folks to hate Black folks and yet most of us are able to fight that off. Or at least recognize it.

I truly believe most men are violent misogynists

I had a very brief porn career and while I never experienced anything close to this, it left me pretty bruised emotionally. Having an average build kinda made it hard to book jobs because I wasn’t heavy enough for BBW but not thin enough for most “average” shoots. I certainly left with body image issues but the men I

Um...women....please find another way to pay your rent. Please.

I made the mistake of trying t get more information and really regret that rabbit hole.

“Most men think this is what sex is”?? That is ridiculous. Most men reading this are horrified.

Have any black women spoken out?

This should be required reading in all high schools. Kids should know what they are watching. If you want to watch porn, fine, but know that not all porn is the same.

Maybe she got yelled at for wasting time instagramming pictures of herself and Millie instead of doing her work.

How are people feeling about this movie?

KimYe also aren’t leaders of a major intersectional movement. Regardless of your stance on Tamika Mallory, how are the two even remotely comparable?

Look, cults manage to do good work sometimes. They pick up broken people and put them back together, people no one else wants to bother with. That doesn’t make them not a cult. It doesn’t make the shit they spew true or not dangerous.