Adebisi's hat

You’re right. I think what makes drag queens more captivating is that hyper-femininity comes with lots of ornamentation, whereas what is hyper-masculinity? Aggression and musculature? Violence? I mean, that’s a tough act to make palatable.

I am ready to be shunned away into the depths of internet hell for this one but...

What exactly were you expecting when women are prominent characters in an action/violent movie where there is bound to be body count?

In what way was his GF in his way?

...He killed everyone who was in his way, the only problem is, that he only attacks those who are in his way to his plan.

right, M’Baku is the White Gorilla. They aren’t a dog tribe - they are a gorilla tribe

M’Baku and the Jabari Tribe are Alphas:

I agree. I don’t understand how this isn’t a mental disorder. Props to him for excelling while suffering with it though. Body integrity identity disorder is considered a mental illness and seems closely related to gender dysphoria. I’ve never had someone adequately explain why one is a mental disorder and the other is

Yeah, I believe she is trans.

She seems “female” in a sort of androgynous way so I have to ask....

That’s because women can only win in Yesterday’s Video Games.

As a Black woman I was beyond disgusted by the Holtzclaw defenders. No facts or evidence on their side, just an unshakeable belief the women must be lying because they were poor, Black, sex workers, drug users etc. Ignoring the obvious fact all of these factors made them more likely to be targeted for crime. And he

“... many writers sought to vindicate [Elliot Rodger] from the charge of misogyny. They argued that Rodger didn’t hate women, perhaps instead he loved women too much.”

Who the fuck takes a sign to a bar?

That’s the point. They don’t bring in Timberlake or Lady Gaga or Katy Perry to entertain the people already watching the super bowl. They do it to pad viewership numbers by getting non-football fans to watch the halftime show.

Me, my son and my former coworker are all obsessed with the Cloverfield films. This is the best night of my life.

Where’s the sexual harassment by Tarantino and what exactly constitutes abuse of power? Telling an actress she should drive a car at 40 mph? If that is abuse of power which should bring him down, most directors, male and female, would be out of work.

Because others like an artist more than I do, I want that artist destroyed!

I mean the stats are different, and maybe Rose hasn’t done anything for trans women, but honestly? I think it was a dumb thing to do, and I kind of almost side with Rose on this one.