Adebisi's hat

Out of all demographics, heterosexual women have the fewest orgasms during sex.

I’ll trade places with that first guy. I’ve got the problem of not picking up on clues from women flirting or trying to start something who ARE interested.

Because that moral high ground is always shaky. Maybe if she had mentioned this shit five years ago, when they were getting divorced, she might not have earned any snark. Five years on? Fuck off, you’re attention seeking.

Publix has high prices, people should be able to act out their drama in the stores if they want to.

I don’t think either party should be playing their relationship in Publix and from what I can tell, only 1 is.

Jesus fucking christ, is his ex wife a 14 year old experiencing social media for the first time?

LOL “nobody watches the boobs and dragons show for fun! they watch it because it’s realistic!” Okay buddy.

I agree, sort of, with your broad critique. But Hardhome fucking owned, and this episode was a banger.

who were all the human randos that got killed north of the wall that were not major characters. There was one or two that got killed by the bear and then at least a couple more on the lake - I was like - I don’t remember these guys as part of the party.

Everything that’s happened in Winterfell between this episode and the last just feels out of place.

I’m enjoying how the idiocy virus has infested Westeros.

So, Amber was Heard.

I disagree. There is no such thing as a neo-nazi peaceful protest. You give them an inch and they’ll take a mile. Ignoring them and writing them off as jokes got us here. If they are a minority, ignoring them won’t keep them that way. Trump is in the White House. He’s the most powerful person in the world and these

The anonymity of the internet makes that very difficult, while putting out accusations against random people is extremely easy. As I said, I’m not against naming and shaming Nazis, but please be extremely careful with the sources and do not share anything that is not thoroughly confirmed. This could backfire. We need

Potentially very dangerous as people are likely to be misidentified. I like the sentiment behind it, but this can lead to innocent people being victimized. What can we do to avoid this?

It’s difficult to proofread your own work; your brain fills in gaps because you know what you intended to write.

Given a good portion of them are saying racist things, including actual WWII era Nazi slogans, I’d say the ones who are “protectin muh herituge” might be in the wrong crowd.

Yeah, but using a vehicle as a weapon to take out people you don’t like is a whole other level.

Loeb: “I want to invest in charter schools and make my buddy governor and me millions but THIS BITCH won’t let me!!!!!”

My mom was 18 when she started going out with my 38 year old dad. They’re still together, though now it has evened out and they’re 64 and 84.