Adebisi's hat

“the brand of Zionism she fights against is not the brand of Zionism I recognize”
“one cannot be a Zionist and a feminist at the same time. I am indeed both, thankyouverymuch”

So is the “brand of Zionism” that has resulted in the current apartheid state that is Israel your brand of Zionism, or not? I’m totally open to

Thank you for understanding the nuance of this situation.

I don’t disagree with you, but you’ve made me realize that since everything is upside down in Australia stuff gets shoved down their buttholes instead of up their buttholes like here in the northern hemisphere.

Listen, we got to do something about this feminist diner on this moon on the outskirts of Seti Alpha Gamalon. STAY OUT OF MY LIFE!

No, because then I look like the asshole.

Time to boycott this place that no one is forcing me to frequent,on another continent from where I live, because I’m TIRED OF FEMINISM BEING SHOVED DOWN MY BUTTHOLE.

Lets hope not, if a university as prestigious as Harvard would expel a student for having a view that they don’t agree with (or makes them look bad) then the conservatives are right. Even Google was very clear that the reason for the termination was for creating an unsafe workspace, I don’t see how Harvard could make

This will blow over in a few months, the guy is working on is PhD from Harvard, so he can just focus on that for a year and there will be plenty of employers that will roll out the red carpet.

I had no idea that when I finally did get a hold of a sex saddle it would be less about orgasms and more about accidentally discovering the perfect cat toy.

Hollywood is full of some of the most hypocritical assholes on the face of the planet. Only in Hollywood, does Meryl Street give Roman Polanski a standing ovation, but then rips Trump for his sexualizing and treatment of women (please don’t take that statement that I am supporting Trump, I am not, just pointing out

Damn. Shockingly low? So, basically only a few guys were getting blown by half of the girls?

I believe during the 2016 election somebody in the Democratic Party (or maybe 4chan, who knows) called Trump supporters “snowflakes” and after Trump won, his fanbase turned the term back on Democrats and they became known as “liberal snowflakes.”

Alt-right term? WTF. ‘Snowflake’ is just a term. Its been around forever. Usually used when calling someone a ‘special snowflake’ meaning that they feel they are even more unique then normal snowflakes.

Yeah, in fairness, the Supernatural fandom is a toilet fire and would exhaust anyone.

Just to remind everyone he is an 86 year old man. He happens to be entangled with fanitics of the Supernatural fandom who are rabid and rather mean to him. he fights back and with his age it’s going to be bad. I’m not saying he’s a great guy but let’s not start attacking the elderly.

LeBron should post videos of himself dunking

I kept being a Kyrie fan after he said the earth was flat even though I couldn’t stop thinking about it every time I saw him. But fuck this guy. He would have been flailing around with a losing Cleveland team without Lebron. Go ahead and get the fuck out, Kyrie.

Didn’t know his name was Kyrie Brutus Irving.

Yeah, I started the video hoping it would be obnoxious and mock-worthy, but finished thinking “Damn, I wish I could do that.” A feeling coupled with the realization that all the working out LeBron does seems to work, and that the dude has basically never been seriously injured in his entire career. How are Steph’s

Yes, because this is a website about CARS and this story highlights how she used her CAR and her MANUAL TRANSMISSION to escape.