Adebisi's hat

My brother is pretty much dying right now due to poor choices and crappy health care. (I expect a phone call from my parents any day now.) of course the GOP would say he had it coming to him. On behalf of nieces and nephew, I reply “fuck you.”

What a waste. I’m sorry for your loss.

Jesus Christ. What a horrific story. I am so sorry that you & your family had to go through that. Death sucks already, but no one. No one. Should ever be in that situation.

This Labrador would be better at governance.

A 36 year old woman died from asthma in Idaho because she didn’t have insurance and couldn’t afford meds. Of course Jenny didn’t live in Raul’s district so she doesn’t count. I’m glad I left Idaho but this asshat represents the district where my family lives.

Before ACA, my dad had lung cancer. He was convinced he was going to die so he decided not to treat and leave my mom in horrible debt. He died in the middle of the night after not being able to move off the couch for three weeks. No pain meds. No hospital stay. Nothing but my mom sleeping on the other couch watching

I personally know about a guy who didn’t have insurance because my stupid state didn’t expand Medicaid. He ignored the signs of being pretty sick because his only option was the ER and he’d already been there a lot recently and couldn’t afford it.

British hooligan assaults younger brother of respected Ukranian politician.

Your barrage of questions is highly inappropriate.

I’m not saying turn the other cheek at all. I’m saying to engage. Fighting for ones’ rights is rarely going to mean talking to people that already agree with you. It sucks and its not fair but someone has to do it and of course I understand that not everyone can. I assume they are all actors anyway but the woman in

Eh, it’s mostly fine (climate change doesn’t really fit in this context). And it makes a valid point. Gay rights have advanced so much in such a short amount of time because we started coming out more and more, and straight people got to know us as people rather than one dimensional caricatures. Chances are that the

your homophobia is just psychological projection. you need to deal with your discomfort with your own sexual feelings, preferrably with a competent psychotherapist. trolling articles about gay men and genetics won’t accomplish that for you.

Clearly I am talking about the guy who has the issue with trans people when I refer to self-imposed camps and really you’d rather not engage and miss the opportunity to change someones mind/open their eyes to other ways of thinking and hopefully increase the numbers on the right side of the cause? I don’t get that

Thanks for sharing; I had the same feeling as you. Kara, I love your writing so much and respect your opinions on the daily, but I would ask you to reconsider on this. I watched this commercial today and burst into tears (admittedly, while feeling very loopy from a hangover). I am a feminist woman and POC who works as

Yeah, I saw one guy whose view on trans persons seemed to change and another who seemed to soften toward feminism. The other pair just seemed to agree that civil discussion is the best approach to conflict. To constantly argue that morally correct people engaging with the morally wrong opposition validates the morally

Whatever, maybe I’m a sucker but I actually liked the ad. Life is complicated but some things aren’t - if you’ve worked with someone to build something and had a positive experience, why wouldn’t you sit down and socialise with them. Engaging with each other more and straying from our self-imposed “camps” is what we

Jesus Christ, get off your high horse. This is not the same as the Pepsi ad (for one thing, where’s the supermodel or notion that a carbonated beverage can soothe the savagery of the riot police) though I’m sure saying so gives you a bit of smug satisfaction. It’s a beer ad, yes, but at least it’s a beer ad that is

If that’s how you define someone’s sexuality, you need to expand your reading list and social circle.

Its Murdaaaaaaaaaa

$400k ain’t nothing for him after he literally saved the fucking world economy, car industry, moved money around to ACA, Lilli Ledbetter, and so, so much more.