Adebisi's hat

No, she’s in the separate “white people will buy products she’s photographed with” category.

was hospitalized due to a scorpion bite.

New life, who dis?


We’ve gone from an educated, humorous, sincere and proper president to this:

 Stop. Hitting. Men

How is a dude named “Caleb Brantley” not a white guy?

“who face the winner of Bucks-Raptors”

I was trying to reply to this and got Kinja’d so I’m going to try again. I was madly in love with an opioids addict. When we met, he was sober and mending relationships that he had ruined through years of drug abuse. He had a good job and things fell into place for him quickly: apartment, vehicle, financial

Don’t you just love the things our fucked-up brains can say? I’ve struggled with disordered eating for years, always resisted doing anything other than will-powering it until last fall, when my doctor convinced me to let him set me up with a plan that included medication. Like you, I didn’t want to take it because it

I know it’s late and I don’t know if anyone will see this and I’m sorry for being a downer but I could really use some support/encouragement if anyone has any.I am an opiate addict in recovery, and I really turned my life around. I had lost my job and busted my ass to get sober, got a new job and had been off opiates

They are one of the most dangerous animals in Africa.

That’s not contradictory to my statement. “Feminism” the word is not a welcome label to most French women. It doesn’t mean they are not fighting for equality, breaking the glass ceiling, etc.

The writer may be a dual French citizen. but her take is entirely American, as is often a case when Jezebel writes about European politics. Get used to it. I distinctly remember several articles where Jezebel, despite some protestation from the comments kept referring to Merkel as a liberal.

I also don’t quite recognize her assessment of France (and I’ve spent a lot of time there). Perhaps it’s generational, perhaps it’s imposing specific American feminist battles on a different society. Anyway, LePen is not representing any kind of Feminism, but she is appealing to the same segment of French society as

I don’t think so. This is a long piece for Jezebel, and it includes a lot of citations. It’s also written by a French American dual citizen. I’m just disappointed that it contains a lot of US-centric assumptions.

Wow. Wow. I mean, I hate MLP, but this is...not a good article.

Keep in mind these are all adults.