Adebisi's hat

That Kangaroo deserved more to be honest.

Kangaroo’s like “WTF, Mate?”

LMFAO! He literally had the kangaroo like “What the FUCK? You hit me?!?! I’m out! NO! I’M OUT!!!”

My sister switched medications this summer with basically no warnings from her psychiatrist about side effects, and I’ll just say the side effects were fucking disastrous on her and our family. Like with Kim’s hostage situation, I seriously do not care what anyone’s opinion is on these people- they’re human beings and

When I was studying hunger alleviation in grad school, the phrase “men with money drink and gamble, women with money feed their children” was uttered more times than I could count.

The bit about underutilizing half the talent in your country?

So is this “PSA” part of her acting reel now? I just can’t take her seriously ever since she came out as a Lesbian, then 6 month later she is sleeping with Depp because the Lesbian thing didn’t get her as much press as her publicist said it would. She is always just trying to get as much publicity as she can.

Sounds like you’re butthurt the Democratic party didn’t nominate a progressive candidate. I dunno, sounds like something you should consider for the next time this shit goes down.

The thing about the Walking Dead, is that all of the characters are stupid (ALL OF THEM), and the plot is dependent on keeping them stupid (because zombies are slow).

So- the leader of the team replacing the X-Men is actually responsible for the sterilization and murder of vast numbers of mutants using a WMD?

Watching a show where the most violent and horrible people left alive are coming out on top by systematically torturing and murdering people just trying to survive? Yeah maybe too real for right now.

I have apparently underestimated how much Marvel hates the X- titles and wants them to die.

These cakes were definitely in poor taste in a professional setting, but considering that we are now dealing with the rise of actual Neo-Nazis I am no longer capable of being outraged over juvenile offences like this.

What I really am failing to understand recently, is how so many people have made it through elementary and secondary school and come out the other side thinking “Hey, how about them Nazis?” Truly, the one area I thought our education system did a good job in was saying that the Nazis were among, if not the fucking

He will be in January bitch

Speaking as someone who doesn’t watch anime...this looks really neat. I’m in.

So true. I don’t think blaming it on identity is going to help anyone, it’s just dividing us. As a white female millennial from a working class family in a white area, it took me time to get on board with white privilege. Not just because I didn’t personally see it, but because it was villainizing even though we were

If you’re upset that Trump won (as I am), you want to look into how to beat him next time. If you want to beat him next time, you need to understand the reasons, the real reasons, he won this time. Not some comforting story that can be summed up in a single sentence. If progressives hope to learn from this defeat,

Forgive me for saying so but it seems pretty silly to suggest that 110 million voters were single issue voters and that that issue was “being racist”. It is not adult thinking to paint so large a group with so broad a brush. Trump won over 50% of women. Does that mean most women are mysogynists?