Adebisi's hat

Yes, I had a neighbor who was a registered sex offender and I found out from his sister that it was because he got caught having consensual sex in public, nothing else. Meanwhile the guy down the street had touched multiple children under his care. These are not the same!

At this point you’d have to have footage of him strangling a baby for it to matter.

People don’t need an excuse not to vote for someone, and candidates aren’t owed any votes. They need to earn them.

Yeah, I was wondering if I was the only person who immediately recognized the context for that particular sentence. He has been treating her like family up until this incident.

That’s exactly it, he explains it in the video.

This is Jezebel.

She tried to stab someone, yet you’re harping on his usage of the word “females”?!

I shouldnt have to do mental gymnastics to make the headline accurate.

Spitting on someone is rude as hell, but it’s not quite as rude as threatening to cut someone’s throat with a broken champagne glass and then grabbing a champagne glass.

Because the woman in question was in the process of trying to kill somebody with a bottle when she was spit on.

I recently empowered my female dog to not barf her expensive prescription food all over the kitchen floor. She embraced the empowerment and barfed outside.

LMAO, Chelsea Handler a feminist role model.

Kissed by a Rose?

the burden of proof is on the plaintiff in civil cases. They confused plaintiff with prosecution, but it is also a big part of American civil cases.

Putting the burden of proof on the prosecution instead of the defendant Is a big part of American law.

You don’t see how someone who is (what seems to be very likely in this case) falsely accusing someone of sexual assault for financial gain may negatively impact actual sexual assault victims?

I d flip flopped on this recently. I no longer think he did anything wrong personally.

Ya, fuck that whole innocent until proven guilty thing, ammirite?

Diana thank you for keeping this story front & center, it is not really being reported on that heavily.

That is certainly NOT the behavior of a friendly ghost. Sad!