Adebisi's hat

Wait, does normal sunscreen not rub in on black people? As a very tan white guy, regular sunscreen still doesn’t change my complexion at all. The more you know...

Yep, that’s why no man ever has been raped, no drugs have ever been used to limit people’s ability to fight back, and rape is solely a thing that occurs in a dark alley when a tiny defenseless woman is attacked by a big strong man!

Yes, that is why the author wrote “on a brighter note” when introducing those shirts. Everyone agrees it sounds better.

I actually think “Born Leader” is better and more flattering than “Future Leader.”

Your screenname is AMAZING. <3 <3 <3

That’s nice, but nobody cares.

I felt bad for all of the Britney fans on the internet talking about how great Brit Brit was.... ummmmm... really? Cause this Beyonce girl can sing and dance and make amazing art at the same time... for 15 minutes straight... while your girl Brit just lip-syncs and kind of jiggles her ass.... I’m not a fangirl by any

She came, she saw, she slew.

I would probably show Usain Bolt my tits if I got to wear a gold medal for a little while.

Ah, someone who clearly has picked up a textbook and looked up housing segregation and then learned to follow the money.... continue on with your "wonderful" knowledge

To be fair that was the only truly funny line in an essay where most jokes fall flat.

It’s such poorly written comedic satire that it makes me upset.

God damn it. First Lady Ghostbusters and now Lady Ghosts? STOP RUINING MY CHILDHOOD!

I’m getting a No Woman’s Sky tingling sensation...

As a man who is dating a woman, I did not learn true feminism until she made me wear the ball gag.

Very well articulated and I completely agree!

Unless you are Hulk Hogan. I am not aiming that at you, but the hypocrisy on this site of yesterday’s article where they were defending their actions in posting a private sex tape vs. this article today is kind of crazy. You are absolutely right. Everyone deserves privacy.

These are all these Breitbart assholes that are pissed because Milo was banned.