Adebisi's hat

Or you can do your part by frequenting establishments that have unattractive and plain looking staff.

Unpopular opinion: Jennifer Lawrence is unbelievably overrated.

Amazing how different this list is from the AFI ones. Less blockbuster-centric. And including some animated triumphs and putting Miyazaki in the top 5 is a nice touch. But also some bizarre choices that I don’t remember many people liking (AI? Spring Breakers?).

Yeah, he's in for a rude awakening. I mean, I'm bad at sex, and I've slept with one virgin. Trust me, she knew.

Yes, you are missing bad sex.

From my understanding the IOC where not allowed to comment on the medical results of the test, just whether or not she was allowed to compete - that could be wrong just what I’ve gathered from the articles I read about the issue.

As far as I was aware it is because they are not allowed to comment on her private medical records?

Dutee Chand, the Indian sprinter who challenged the testosterone rules is definitely intersex. Unlike Caster Semenya, we know for a fact that she was diagnosed with an intersex condition and is an XY female. She finished 50th, so while she’s the best female sprinter in India, having XY chromosomes and elevated

I imagine that avoiding getting caught is a high priority in any criminal undertaking. Increasing that chance is increasing safety. The only reason you know about any incident with Uber drivers is because they are keeping tabs on the drivers. Otherwise it happens all the time, but goes unreported because following up

I think the argument is more that Semenya should be competing against men instead of women. IIRC, she has internal testicles and is intersex.

After looking at other articles the guy wasn’t working when he picked up these women. I’m definitely pro-background checks for the drivers but this article should really be titled “Man with job is arrested for raping three women”. This is needless fear mongering.

Yeah... I think, no background check would have stopped this guy, unfortunately.

“And a man who comes of age on porn will also have no clue how to actually please a woman, because these actresses fake orgasm over the most ridiculous moves/positions.”

For my wife its the same way. I still have my libido from the teen years, and it thankfully has started to wane now that I’m in my forties. But yeah... she wasn’t interested in getting me off 4-5 times a day when we first met, and I didn’t expect that of her or think she needed to. And after she had a top level tear

“men who consume large amounts of porn can’t even get it up for ‘real’ women anymore.”

Yes, I’m sure it is similar to many other things, such as alcohol consumption. For a large majority, there is no issue or problem with consuming it on a regular basis. For others, it can be devastating and interrupt all aspects of their lives. I think we should be able to have a nuanced conversation about such issues

I don’t know that I would call Mr. WildNights a “pornhead”, but he does watch it/look at it sometimes. I’m not sure that it has had any real effect on my pleasure either way. There have been things that he expressed an interest in trying that porn actresses respond to as though they’re the most wonderful things in the

Sup, Emily here. I don’t think “exasperated” was the right word here. I just got super excited when talking about it.

I agree in spirit, but I see it as her trying to avoid being “labeled” with terms that have a lot of perceived baggage. Similar to how many people who vote Democrat year-after-year still list themselves as Independents, or huge Star Trek fans who prefer not to be called Trekkies.

You mean the one with a cosplayer with self confidence issues that was spun as a big race issue? Have you been to an anime con? There’s burly men with mustaches wearing sailor school outfits, and black Narutos, mixed in with a massive army of people that don’t look anything like the characters they’re portraying.