Adebisi's hat

Jeah is the only correct response to this mess.

Why would the brazilian government even try to pursue this further? Frankly it just makes the country look even worse and petty IMO.

I’m as much of a feminist, pro-LGBTQ, pro-equal rights bleeding heart pinko lefty as you’re likely to ever come across, so if I say something inelegantly, please forgive me. I am not sure what the right balance is between honoring the identity and protecting the dignity of a person vs. establishing the femininity of

It’s a play on the term “No Man’s Land”.

female man is really triggering to me

This article is garbage though.

Has this actually been confirmed? I can’t find a single article that actually says this. Instead, there are articles about her who also talk about intersex individuals but the articles never say that she is actually one of them. It’s just assumption.

That paragraph about vaginal inspection is absolutely alarming and this article isn’t without merit, but I don’t think it’s unreasonable to disagree with the headline, which summarizes that “The Debate About Caster Semenya Isn’t About Fairness.”

This is a complicated and fraught topic, one that deserves a more thoughtful take than the one offered by Ms. Moskovitz. This is not about some cruel effort by men to define and control women’s bodies, as she glibly asserts. It’s about trying to create an environment where women have a chance to compete and succeed,

The burden of proof is put upon the victim and there’s often a bias toward innocence,

Lochte and co. are rumored to have been in an area where they were not supposed to be, so I can believe this. They could also have been looking for strip clubs or prostitutes. It sucks that they were robbed, but it was odd that Lochte at first denied that it even took place and even odder that Rio police want to

Before a meet? Why would they put that into their bodies during the Olympics? Your thousand bucks make no sense

Because he wasn’t convicted.

it wouldn’t be surprising if he did. they were partying a lot and abusive relationships arent also so black and white, especially when drugs and alcohol are involved. maybe there was an incident where she was the aggressor, and she knew if it came out she would be eaten alive by the press


Gross. Sorry, but Aly Raisman got killer scores too and she’s definitely white... So how could they say it was about race when the US was just straight up flawless?

We all knew that Phelps wouldn’t win forever; 33 is fairly old for an Olympian (is that ageist? I might be ageist) so it came as zero shock to me that he lost.

A huge thank you to all the staff at Jezebel who report on the bigoted bullshit that happens across so many different forums. It must be so exhausting and infuriating, especially for staffers from the affected groups. I know that general sports writing is hella sexist, but assumed reporting on fucking gold medal

He’s killing it, I get it, but he’s not the only story at the Olympics.

the writer only has 2 credits on her imdb. the other film, teen comedy, isn’t even out yet. i just looked her up and she’s 26/27 and the daughter of the creator of deadwood.