Adebisi's hat

UM WHAT? He was still working on the song back then and wasn’t thinking about the video yet. This entire back and forth for months has been about her approval or lack thereof about lyrics referencing her. It’s never been about the video because it wasn’t even being thought of back then. You’re being factually ignorant

So many publicists are scrambling right now screaming Abort Abort. While Taylor is probably all:

Yep. All that shit she talked about Kanye trying to steal her shine and take credit for her accomplishments was bs. She’s looking like a calculating, opportunistic liar now.

It's getting fucking tough to hate Kim.

Thanks I tried to be objective.... But honestly I’m devestated

Because she often gets away with shit like this and Kim and Kanye are easy targets for scorn? She's done similar things with Calvin Harris, Katy Perry, John Mayer, Harry Styles, Joe Jonas, etc. - she's perpetually playing the victim and no one calls her on her shit.

And Taylor Swift is still a moron. Such is life.

also everyone don’t forget about taylor’s diss songs “dear john” and “bad blood” about john mayer and katy perry. taylor is the ultimate can give it but she can’t take it person. her career only works if she’s the victim/underdog

Now playing

Even though he didn’t actually put the full lyric out in the video to her I’m disappointed in her. For years I have defended Taylor Swift to people in my community who hated her. To people who thought that she was demonizing Kanye by being the fragile white woman to his angry black man. And I still I think he was

This feels like Christmas. Kim truly is a gift to the world. lol Oh Taylor.

They all are!

I am an admitted Taylor Swift fan, who tends to roll her eyes at Kanye and Kim, but man, even I think this is hilarious. Good on you, Kim. I’ve been laughing all night, and after this week, I needed that. Anyone got popcorn?

I love this a little too much.

No, that’s not my point at all. Live in Pakistan for several months, interact with different levels of society, and have a conversation with Chaudry in Urdu about what he meant, and you will probably understand what my point is.

But Judaism and Christianity exist because of patriarchy, not the other way around.

While I find the Karshashians tiresome here in America, a “Kim Kardashian” type role model like Qandeel Baloch represented is exactly the kind of feminism countries like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia need. Fuck this family for thinking they’ve now restored “honor” to the family.

Is ANYONE really into old white guys?

So terrible. Her brother needs to be caught and jailed. But this is unfortunately the kind of actions that leads to change. She was bold and did her feminism her way.

Whole families convicting a woman to death cuz she doesn’t adhere to their atavistic views of decency vs a free society where women have the right to an abortion and contraceptives. Go to a christian church and tell the congegrates that you are planning to convert to another religion. Some might give you funnylooks,

If we want more feminism in Pakistan, we’ll need to stand up to religious literalists whose dictates for maleness and femaleness lead to honor killings.