Adebisi's hat

Hey guys. Remember when we used to burn Lebron jerseys 6 years ago? No? Okay.

I’d appreciate it if you didn’t refer to my Grandma’s assisted living facility that way!

I know. Watched most all of Believeland last night, and I just wanted this for them so much. An NBA championship might not change the average fan’s life, but they will get so much relief out of this. Good for them.

That block. My God.

Yes, this, a thousand times this

Fun Fact: The Warriors lost the same number of games in the playoffs as they did in the regular season. Regardless of what you think that indicates, that’s crazy.

Take a Xanax weirdo

LeBron played like a crazy person. He did last Finals too. The biggest tragedy if the Warriors won would have been James being denied the Finals MVP for the second year. He was insane.

Didn’t having a rooting interests before this game, or even before the 4th quarter, but after Lebron’s last block on Iguodala, I had to root for him. He just deserved it.

I bet you’re a real delight at parties.

Dwyane Wade is gonna look good in a Cavs uniform next year

I’m not from Cleveland, I don’t really root for Cleveland, but I find myself very happy for Clevelanders right now.

bad take

Cleveland is going to build a statue of LeBron the size of the statue of liberty.

Lol, no, this woman is full of shit. There's no way in hell this actually happened.

Honestly, I thought that was more about how tiring it is to put a kid to bed. I barely feel human after that sometimes.

Although I agree everyone is their own person and has a right to their own opinions, you cannot ignore the fact that it does reflect poorly upon one’s spouse to act out like that. It invites criticism, warranted or not. And honestly, it’s kind of disrespectful to the other spouse to say things in public that they

This is about butt stuff right