Adebisi's hat

Superbad came out the week I graduated high school, so it holds a soft spot for me (half of my class went to see it after graduation practice and we were so inspired by the movie, we all went to someone’s house and got teenaged drunk on shitty beer at 5 pm on a Thursday. One of my favorite memories). Yeah, some parts

Why did I read all of that.



I will only listen if the track list is something like this:

That was my same thought. I scoffed out loud. A 150,000 word masters thesis?! From a kid who is currently like a freshman in college. And then that thesis is going to get published?! What the fuck is this professor smoking because I want some of it. A 150,000 thesis is like 600 double spaced pages. The longest masters

You can only conclude one thing from the professor’s statement: that he, too, is a rapist.

Yes world, the real story here is that God did this to Owen Labrie but still loves him. Let’s not be distracted by the minor detail of him committing rape and then - just to show how unchanged and heinous he is - violating the conditions of his bail.

..........Ah, no.

Just another clickbait ‘controversy’.

There is some controversy over white people performing acoustic covers of music by black artists

I get that some of the downvoting is definitely butthurt morons who hate that there are lady Ghostbusters however, that trailer is terrible. Like really really terrible. If I voted on Youtube videos, I’d downvote the shit out of it too. I like the idea of the film but watching the trailer was super disappointing.

I’m flying to another city for a job interview tomorrow for a position that would be amazing for my career. I’m incredibly underqualified for the job, so it’s a long shot, but it’s exciting to be considered.

It’s my first SNS. I’m still awake here in England.

A lot of people know that the only song Sinead O’Connor is widely known for is a Prince song. It doesn’t make it irrelevant just because you didn’t know that.

He also performs the song. He has a version of it as a duet with Rosie Gaines on disc one of “The Hits/The B-Sides”. It’s better than Sinead O’Connor’s version.

Now playing

Just received this in the ol’ email chute, one of the hundreds out there on the YouTube.

The production is great, the beats are slick, the lyrics are still hilariously petty. Drake is adorable.

I am not a big fan of Jimmy’s rap career, so I tend to not bother.

If Susie, Kateland, and Madison were in that car and it hit the bottom of that pond, they’d be in the morgue just as certainly.