Adebisi's hat

I am in such distress over this that I am seriously considering leaving work early to go home and watch Purple Rain with a bottle of wine.

It doesn’t matter, Motoko’s body is artificial. She changes bodies several times throughout the series, and could even use a male body if she really wanted to.

Now playing

Yes you do not have to be a certain race or gender but if you are the only one outraged by it and not the people that are actually involved in it than you are just in for some moral crusade. You are not fighting for them you are only fighting for yourself.

No, she’s not Japanese in the anime which is the funny thing. The only people riled up about this are the ones who have never actually seen the show but still somehow feel entitled enough to project their opinion on the casting choices an assume that just because her name is Motoko and she’s in an anime that she must

No they really do not care. They shrug it of and that is it. People are outraged by it are not even Japanese. They are mostly either black or white which is ridiculous in itself.

He has a BA in English Literature with his B.Ed. I sure hope he wasn’t a math teacher!

“This is where things become dicey, because it means that some people make money by covering the embarrassing, potentially untrue private details of other people”

Like what Gawker does?

Yeah, honestly, the press reaction was over the top, but that doesn’t mean that he was behind it.

You do realise that, if they make a good movie in which ScarJo plays a flawed but kick-ass cybernetic government agent who uses believably-rendered robots to fight the forces of evil, all while being decently directed, it will likely be very successful and might increase awareness of GitS in other forms/media.

He spent the day learning about quantum computing, and understood it well enough to talk about it? A politician that listened, processed, and could answer a question to that knowledge!?! If only the rest of the world was that lucky.

Lol why are they even asking him about ISIS at a Physics event? And bashing him for answering the most relevant question? Lol

This article brought paid for by Conservative party!

I’m with Anna. I don’t trust handsome people. What are they up to? How much have they managed to escape from? Are they in fact lizard aliens?

Would the Japanese complain about a Canadian Chinese girl being Motoko Kusanagi?

Those videos were very good. Thanks for bringing them up.

If she can carry a big-budget ensemble action film, wouldn’t Pacific Rim 2 be out by now?

Her English is terrible. It was a cute novelty in Pacific Rim because it fit her character, it doesn’t work when you’re going to be surrounded by other asians .

I assure you, changing the race of the actors wouldn’t have made DragonBall of Avatar any less awful.

Rinko Kuchiki probably has less appeal in Japan than ScarJo, ironically

You can bitch all you want but the fact is this movie wouldn’t get funded or made without a big star in the lead. You’re in the minority. Movies get made to reach the largest audience and most people who will go see if won’t care about the anime. Money is not an excuse, it’s the reason.