Adebisi's hat

I think that basic STEM literacy is a very good idea for anyone making policies in the 21st century; someone who thinks it’s a good idea to build more buildings along the coastline is not someone who should be making policies.

A really smart guy. Can’t you read?

A really smart guy once said:

Is it strange, though, that I can imagine a setting where the Japanese love creating robots and cyborgs with Westernized features? I mean, given the style they depict many female characters in Manga and the development of robots looking more European in feature than Asian I can intellectually make sense of this if

I have a weird feeling that it isn't fully set in Japan and that they might have even changed the name of the lead...so we are all making something out of nothing

Sadly, that’s because Americans most likely wouldn’t go see a mostly Japanese live-action GitS.

This is what you get for making anime characters look white. Don’t tell me that isn’t a thing. I’ve loved anime since grade school but to any other person (read: ignorant Americans) they look like white people who are just speaking Japanese.

True, but do you say “lets toss all art, music and writing from that period into the dumpster?”

That’s my point. We know that. Most works from that time period have that baked into their DNA. So we should ditch everything from that period and forget it was ever written?

That’s kinda like saying 19th century Europe was racist as fuck and imperialist garbage.

I am not one who usually complains about being overly PC, because that charge is usually thrown out by conservatives and libertarians to shut down criticism of their own wacky ideas rather than engage in a discussion. But in this case you are being overly PC. Much of 19th and early 20th century literature is saturated

You cynical fucks can go fuck yourselves, 60 points on 50 shots is literally the perfect ending to Kobe’s career.

I think “stop, that hurts” is different from “that hurts” in whether it communicates that you want to stop the encounter or action, or whether it communicates something needs to be tweaked in what someone is doing to make it not hurt, but that they can still go ahead.

As a parent, there is literally nothing more bullshit than the “you’re not a parent, you can’t know [INSERT HERE].” My blood pressure spikes the instant that those words are uttered/written.

Yeah, but think about cost vs. benefit. For $50,000, he’d better have a lot more to offer than just being a slightly better vibrator.

Well, according to the MRA stuff I look at for lulz, it’s because women want men to provide for them, something sex robots are useless at. Meanwhile men want women solely to fuck them, and thus sex robots are perfect for them!

Or gay men? This whole thing is just someone being uptight about human sexuality.

I actually think this hints at a bigger feminist issue, but not at all what people think.

I wouldn’t be terribly worried. eventually Apple will release a product that allows us to fuck our phones and then nobody will ever leave their house again.