Adebisi's hat

You mean Wesleyan University? Wesleyan College wouldn’t have frats. Also, this is exactly the kind of hair brained stunt that would come from Wesleyan University (I say this as a Wesleyan Alum). Use whatever tools you have to to help cope with assault, by all means. But this shit is still ridiculous and should

That was my thought as well.
Dude needs to stay in his lane.

He's not a biologist so I can understand his mistake.

yeah, astronomy is not the same as biology it turns out.

I’m with the librarian about Point #2. You can’t expect a library to get rid of all the children’s books with subtle sexist messages. Even if the library just got rid of all the books with OVERT sexist messages, it wouldn’t carry any European fairy tales. (Except Hansel and Gretel. Gretel’s a badass.) I think the

She’s a Cherokee scholar. Isn’t answering questions about her culture’s history and beliefs her job? Don’t give me that, “Don’t talk about Fight Club” garbage.

I’ve been wondering those things as well. I’m willing to assume good will on the part of the author and think that maybe she was asked to throw these pieces together in a hurry, and didn’t research the Native American stuff as much as she should. It’s also glaringly clear that Rowling doesn’t know United Statesian

She lost me with the whole "It's not your world." Um, yes it is. JKR created this world. She can do with it what she likes. Bitch about it. Boycott it. Use it to educate. Whatever. But it's her story.

My geographical location has nothing to do with my ability to make moral judgements. How ridiculously condescending of you, and exactly the kind of insane moral logic I’m talking about.

The assumption is that the spiritual beliefs of Native Americans are somehow out of bounds when it comes to discussion, criticism, or creation of new stories.
Sorry, but that’s not the case. If I can make up stories about Christian legends, I can make up stories about Native legends. if they don’t like them, perhaps

He’s the old robocop, not the new one. I think that’s where your confusion exists.

Says who? Rowling has no more obligation to American or British real history than the White Wolf RPG designers had, or the guy who wrote about Lincoln being a Vampire Hunter, or Harry Turtledove. IT IS FICTION!

This will be a tough challenge, citizen. On one robotic hand, people watched her streams because of the sex appeal she has, the main selling point of watching her streams, much like people enjoyed watching me get blown to pieces by small arms fire.

Her body, her stream, her choice.

At least this article is filed appropriately. It starts out re-iterating already-discussed problems with J.K. Rowlings generalizations of Native Americans, lumping them all up as a single group, etc, etc.

I get that this was poorly researched, and there is no excuse for that.

What part of “fictional history” did you not get? You know, I was willing o listen to the Native American complaints. I really was.

Everyone keeps mentioning Ultron’s mouth. This is the first I’ve heard of it, and never found it to be distracting. If you don’t mind indulging me, what is the overall complaint?