Adebisi's hat

They also understand the true value of bananas.

Unpopular Opinion: I don’t want to read any more books based on The Holocaust. Sarah’s Key, The Lampshade, The Book Thief, Number the Stars, All the Light We Cannot See...

Superman does have a worthy opponent

Which is right.

I REALLY expected more from the Porn Oscars.

My only hope is that his popularity begins to fade. I feel like it has, at least on Jez! Exposure will be less if companies are refusing to hire him going forward as well. Soon he’ll fade into obscurity. Maybe.

Maybe if the incident was reported to the police and charges were filed he would be in jail, instead of receiving 2 awards.

My dad died last weekend. It’s the actual worst.

One of my cousins had a baby a few months ago with a bad heart. The doctors weren't sure about the baby's prognosis. They were able to do surgery and the baby was able to go home for a few months. The baby had to go back to the hospital and they weren’t sure what was wrong. Yesterday, the baby died. I can’t go back

I love me some Stargate, but I was looking for stuff that you could actually watch in its entirety in a weekend.

I’m sorry but you forgot the A-Team of Sci-Fi binge watching.

  1. 1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

“Racism is prejudice plus power”

I’m sorry, when did we all decide there was only ONE viewpoint? Let me explain this to you like I explain to my kids: My older son is bigger, stronger and older, and this comes with certain privileges and expectations when dealing with his littler sister. In spite of his relative POWER, she can still be abusive

Wrong. Telling anyone to sit down in the back based on the color of their skin, is racism.

Not a single person anywhere on this thread or in the post said you should be ashamed. Not a one. Literally no where. Perhaps listen to the song and reread the post.

Fun fact: Abortion is 100% illegal in El Salvador. Not even for the health of the mother or the baby or in the case of rape and incest.

Only 1 solution: Range Rover.

She’s clearly a drug dealer, have you seen her house?

OK So I've scrolled through the comments and I haven't seen it yet: