Adebisi's hat

Harvard's future hedge funders beat Yale's future investment bankers.

Allahvun It

I just saw Days of Future Past yesterday. Someone needs to stop them.

theoretically, i don't either, but that doesn't stop me from imagining all the wonderful ways they could be punished.

theoretically, I don't believe in torture or the death penalty but reading this I just don't know what to think. Gang raping a 70 year old nun. What the fuck? Can we just tear these guys limb from limb?

My rabidly-conservative Facebook friends (who I keep both out of a sense of loyalty b/c of family friendships and also because it keeps me informed about the gross stuff being said about various topics) are all over this as "so American!" and wishing them the best. I have a feeling if Bristol was a different race,

This will take Stalking the next level!!!

To be fair, Reynolds wasn't really the problem with Green Lantern. There were some solid actors in the film, but the plot was too vague and the directing too forgettable. And let's not forget the badguys either lacked motivation to be villains, or were nondescript yellow space poop.

I have fond memories of murdering many dock workers here :P

GTA V, the game people hated on for its "message" but everyone loves. The game is amazing and we're seeing more and more "tipped hats" to it.

"Huh, an article about this year's GDC. Could be interesting, wonder how it went. ...Oh, he's just attacking GG again, *sigh* Kotaku sure can't get enough "GG IS EVIL!" can they?"

If you think that you, and Kotaku in general isn't partially to blame for such a shit year in gaming, you're not willing to see the big picture.


Throughout GDC I'll hear about 60-hour games and games as services and DLC plans and sketchy monetization strategies. I'll play some cool games, too. Nothing, though, will beat this single, perfect moment. People made a game for the sake of making a game, and it was goddamn beautiful.

Me too.

Women often work part time, which skews the numbers drastically, which even in more equitable" societies has shown to be part of the issue. If you expect work to work around YOUR schedule that flexibility is going to come at a price.

k well now you're just pulling shit out of your ass

Right, but it's nowhere near 77 cents on the dollar. Which is a statistic derived from simple surveys of annual income that don't take those variables into account.

Yeah I'm not clear on why they think someone who works 20 hours a week as a teacher's aide is gonna get the same as an anesthesiologist.

"The study's analysts didn't control for occupation"