Adebisi's hat

Ryan’s a different breed of celeb we haven’t seen before, he’ll likely earn $1billion before 15. I cant explain it but kids all love watching him and his family play. My kid's JK teacher played a clip of him in virtual class a few days ago and all the kids were like “Ryan!”

Jezebel ain't the LA times, we gon have some fun with it

It’t not about disliking teenage girls, it’s all about disliking a certain genre of music. A lot of TS’s music, especially the earlier stuff falls into that category for a lot of males. Adele is just 1 year older than TS but imo has made better, more mature sounding music.

kiss my hat

That’s irrelevant

Sure - but at the same time it’s not unreasonable that whoever is taking the risk funding the podcast has some lock in period, especially if it’s not a sure thing at the onset. The initial term was 3 years, not crazy at all.

Might also be credence to idea that Russia pushed Chistine Blasey Ford story as well, since they’ve been known to jack left leaning issues too

“More good” is one way to look at it. I’m taking the “more likely” route.

It’s not as outlandish as it sounds, it was clearly directed as a question to his medical expert and not a suggestion to the populace to do that.

Charging for content that's already available on streaming services seems tone def given +20 million Americans are recently out of work

One thing that bugs me about Biden is that he lies just as much as Trump, especially when confronted with his record. He just does it in a nicer way, it’s a “Get Out” type of insidious.

That’s my point, media deliberately ignored him despite his strong grassroots momentum, they wasted airtime on moderate establishment darlings that couldn’t even connect with their bases at all. MSM did that purposefully, they fear politically disruptive candidates, the only losers were the voters who didn’t get to hea

Why would they complain, they’ve chosen to compete - this is a useless point. Better point would be % of transmales competing against cis males in sport vs % of transwomen against cis female athletes.

I dont blame you for thinking that, even when he was polling higher than Booker and Kamala Haris he got disproportionately less speaking time at the debates (Asian invisibility in America)

Far as I can tell Transmen dont generally beat cismen athletes, which seems to not be the case for transwomen and cis women athletes.

Hope you taking that same energy to the real weirdos like Biden and Bloomberg.

He ran a pure policy based campaign, a breath of fresh air after all this tribal based bs that is American politics.

Yes, I will vote for Bernie if he is the nominee...”

Calm ur 25 yr old 3.9 GPA skater man/boy tits

1. McCain vs Trump is irrelevant when you’re talking about Party unity. By that logic, don’t talk about ‘16 election at all because Hillary is not in the race this time around.