Adebisi's hat

Yeah and 25% of Hillary supporters went on to vote for McCain in ‘08.

everyone can have a little shut the fuck up

How about looking at it this way, 10% of Sanders voters voted for Trump, 25% of Hillary voters voted for McCain

96? So when she said she hadn’t lost to a republican incumbent in 30 years, almost 1/4 of that time was because she was a republican herself? lol

You mean he took a bit longer to endorse HRC after he found out that the DNC has screwed him with her complicity?

Sanders endorsement and subsequent campaigning efforts for HRC were far stronger than what she did for Obama after he won the nom. He’s also got the most diverse supporter base right now, how long are we going to keep on harping on about “Bernie Bros”?

How come the root is not commenting on the problem of many NY blacks randomly attacking Jewish people?

People wanna look hot whether it’s in the club or in cosplay

Wasnt Bernie on the breakfast show a week ago, taking questions?

Sounds like you're talking about Andrew Yang

lol I could have copied and pasted this comment myself as that’s 100% me.

Not to mention they played the Superbowl (albeit as a guest of Bruno Mars) even more recently, and played new music with singles that chart at the Grammy’s

You can always countersue regardless of whether the press is involved or not 

False equivalency but this topic stale dated now 

Cant really sue the press for reporting the news.

It sounds like you’re begging white folk to save you from black men. Just call out black men already instead of invoking slavery when the assault/abuse stats shows it’s pretty much only black men assaulting black women.

Came to say same thing 

Maybe he doesnt want to be an ally or an enemy 

Go ‘head