Adebisi's hat

B.S.! I just listened to this few mins ago. He said he was ahead of the curve specifically referencing how he got together with her before she “blew up”. He initially ignored Charlamagne’s pedophile questions. Lest we forget before they started dated he was actually more famous than her.

Loollll, nah this is a bad faith argument. He makes money from video views, not from some of his viewers harassing Anita. He’s asked them not to bother whomever he’s criticizing, and “human garbage” is probably worse than anything he’s called her in his videos.

Bullshit, Sargon never personally or explicitly encouraged anyone to harass or dox if he did you’d have provided an example. In fact when people started suggesting the popularity of his anti-Anita videos could lead to increases harassment of her, he explicity asked his viewers not to do so. Dudes got hundreds of

Except....Snyder is an exec producer and script writer of the movie.

Probably because the men are doing most of the “work” lol.

Incredibly sorry for your loss and unbelievably upset at the circumstances that predicated it. No one should ever have to go through that.

Prosecution of the 08' crisis banksters is a chicken and egg scenario. First of all white collar is notoriously difficult to prosecute in the court system, while its simple enough to recognize illicit behaviour in financial markets it’s hard to convince the court which specific individuals are responsible esp in large

Lol Russia does have +150 million people but most are poor.

I’m sure Trudeau appreciates the compliment but he’s mid 40s. How many democracies you know have leaders in their 30s?

Lol label me whatever makes it easier for you to process. I disagree with a lot of what he says but there has been a lot of incorrect things said about him. Is it that hard to tell the truth?

Ok - he never called Leslie Jones an ape, he called her a dude, big difference. Yes he does think trans people are mentally ill, not sure who he supposedly doxxed though

Well a bit of context, there are a lot more Christians than Jews, so there is a lot more diversity of thought and interpretation, many more schisms and denominations because of it.  

Was rape the worst thing Adebisi did or the only thing you remember

Lol Jameis Winston anyone?

Lol don’t worry, white people don’t care about your feelings either.

If he didn’t punch that ‘roo it probably would have kicked him it seemed to be getting in position for it if you watch the slowed down portion. Their kicks are deadly

Most likely answer is they are accompanying someone who really wanted to go and they themselves are not that into the band.

As the article pointed out its mostly a woman thing.

Dude those goals were shaky as hell (except the penalty). It’s like he’s not getting clean shots in or something. Anyway good for his stat sheet

Get back to work “boss”