Adebisi's hat

If she’d had this exchange with JH via a vanity Fair article, no one would give a fuck about this story. The two are not comparable at all! VF article on Margot Robbie was still gross and caught tons of backlash, while JH is being called a poor sport and unable to roll with the punches.

Seems the majority of people, men and women would disagree with you

... the balls on this guy!

What dark skinned people don’t know about sunscreen is that it protects against hyper-pigmentation on your face as well. When you see someone with an uneven skin tone, it’s usually the sun screwing around with the pigment distribution on that person’s face.

As a dark skinned person who has used sunscreen for years I can say - only shitty sun screen brands don’t rub in well. The good ones do, even when you apply copious amounts

To these people, rape only happens when the victim is overpowered by a stranger.

Lol I can’t disagree with that, success brings all the jealousy out. I did just want to point out that we know about Dutee’s status because she was destroying her competitors at the Asian games, and they made the challenges.

You can’t just ignore challenges by her competitors. The IAAF and IOC don’t because quite frankly ignoring it will exacerbate it.

But who exactly is not allowed to comment? International sporting agencies like IAAF and IOC? Or the country specific agencies, where policy probably varies by country. India has a history of leaking intersex results of their intersex athletes, South Africa doesn’t.

I agree with a lot of what you’re saying, and outing athletes with intersex attributes wrecks a lot of those athletes lives. In poorer countries it even puts their lives at risk, and no doubt Chand receiving this news at 19 had her world flipped on its head.

I’ve been following this for a few years and it’s definitely not as simple as “they’ve cleared her to run”.

It certainly is unfair speculation that she’s XY with internal testes, but it’s strange that none of the athletics bodies who know for certain have neither confirmed or denied this. I understand the desire to protect her privacy but it suggests that there is truth to it.

I think these two cases are different. The underlying issue with Caster is that there’s speculation she’s intersex with internal testes, more male than female in the opinion of quite a few of her competitors. And since we segregate most sports by gender, she shouldn’t be allowed to compete with some form of inhibitor.

Also, feminism doesn’t have a monopoly on equality. Emily can totally advocate for gender equality in video games and not subscribe to a lot of the other ideological subsets of feminism.

Yup China is also single handedly responsible for us getting another Michael Bay Transformers movie

Well a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun apparently. But with lightning you’re just fucked.

If that headline stands, then people need to get the fuck outta Japan!

I’m about to leave my crazy stressful job after just 8 months. What’s worse is that i moved my family across 3 times zones for this job. I’m a little younger than you and moving back to that original city. There are quite a few ways you can answer that question of why you are leaving after only 6 months, a few great

You’re Torontonian? Explains everything

I think you meant “youngest self made female billionaire” and not “first”