Adebisi's hat

I know this is knit picking considering the topic but Stoya probably doesn’t even crack top 20 most well known female porn stars.

It’s really weird that Jezebel didn’t really report on this story. Maybe because the rapists were black kids?

I didn’t know Westboro Baptists read Jezebel

She came in with zero defence strategy...against a freakin boxer, just took nearly every punch thrown at her. What type of champion does that?

lol adorable “young business men”, probably accountants. Better not come into my line of work I’d swallow them whole especially if they’re drinking choco milk. But thanks for the advice, you know, from one judgey jerk to another.

8 took what 7 made great and just perfected it, it’s also my personal favorite

It wasn’t a Gamergate event, it was a all day panel held by the SPJ (Society of Professional Journalists) that allowed pro, anti and neutral sides to present their arguments. Multiple bomb threats were made through the day (which they mostly ignored) until authorities deemed at least 1 threat in some way credible.

I think we unfairly compare Uber and the cab companies. It really should be a localized thing, Uber might work well in one city and not in another part of the state (let alone another part of the country/world).

It’s because women are not “some monolith that stand together on everything”, I’d have assumed at least a few of those thousands of female marketing execs and accountants would blow the whistle on this. Not to mention the disturbing assumption that all the male professionals involved in these decisions are totally

Yup can attest to their customer service. I once complained that the Uber driver took a in efficient route that cost me $4 more than the upper limit of the estimate. I got an email response 2 hours later saying the $4 would be refunded to me in a few days and it was.

Doesn’t Gawker own a blog called “Lifehacker” that’s full of tips that are supposed to make life easier? IF society wants you to buy an overpriced product but a similar substitute is available at a better price, switching to that substitute is a “hack”.

Look, price discrimination based on gender is reprehensible. I’m an accountant, I’ve worked on various pricing initiatives over the years, I fail to conceive a situation in which executives would be involved in an industry wide collusion to charge women more for consumer goods....just because they’re women. That’s

It’s even more complicated than that. Studios are businesses and are generally risk averse. So they’d rather continue funding and making movies that follow a formula - where males have bigger roles in general.

Simple hack buy men’s products. If they are the same it should be an easy switch

lol I hope they bite the ankles of anyone who tries to walk around them like some kinda sleeper zombie from TWD.

No - this is where choice of words are important. She did not say “women are weak”, she said it’s a “weakness”. Strong people can have weaknesses, a weakness in a particular area is not an indictment on overall strength of character.

It’s definitely not the same, Zuma was charged and went to trial for rape just before he became Prez. He admitted to having unprotected intercourse with the victim whom he knew was HIV+ (which of course he claimed was consensual) and claimed he’d be alright because he took a shower afterward. It’s worth noting that he

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The one that landed the probe on the comet.

Look it’s not s bias against porn video games, it’s a bias against porn in general. Video games portray a fantasy that many times mirrors reality I will agree with you there.

Hentai games are not illegal, they just don’t import them because they probably can’t sell enough to make a profit outside of Japan. Besides, you can’t really compare GTA5 to Hentai games, sex is a very very very small part of GTA5